the game

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Why was this happening to me? What have I done to get this bad of karma? I would like to know so I don't repeat it, so someone please tell me. But I'm stuck in a jail cell with Jughead Jones.

Not just that, but there's only one bed! I freakin hate him, there's not enough words to describe.

The guard had just left after acknowledging there was one bed and we either had to share the small thing or one of us would sleep on the floor. Since he's already laying on it, I'm gonna guess it's gonna be me.

He saw me lay on the floor, using my previously stomped leather jacket as a small and uncomfortable pillow.

"What the hell are you doing Lodge?" I only turned my head slightly to him and back to the ceiling I looked.

"I'm going to sleep. So goodnight." I turned around and lay on my side. I then hear a scoff form him and I shoot up.

"What? What do you possibly have to say now?" I asked giving him a fake sarcastic smile.

"Y'know it's only 9:30, right?" He asked leaning from the bed towards me. How did he even know? Oh yeah right, because he had his expensive Rolex shining on his wrist.

"Yeah, so what?" I asked laying back down and scooting closer to the wall and away from him.

"So, let's do something. I'm bored and obviously I stay up much later than you," He said making me roll on my back and look at him.

"Oh and how late do you imagine I stay up to?" I asked sassily.

"9:30," He said shrugging with a tiny smirk.
I just rolled my eyes and sat up against the wall.

"No. I'm going to sleep right now because you're here and I don't like you," I said squinting at him.

He rolled his eyes again and slid off the bed to the floor and casually started sliding closer to me. I was confused with what he was doing, so I just straightened myself.

"Cmon angel," he rose his hand and lightly stroked my cheek with it. I clenched my teeth and resisted the urge to cut him-oh yeah- that asshole of a guard took my fucking knife.

"Let's just play a little game," he moved his hand down to my lip and played with it with his finger. I could no longer resist, and I slapped his misogynistic face.

He had barely moved an inch when I had, and he just turned back to me and smirked as he came up to his feet. I did the same to show courage. Not the best idea.

"Nice job Lodge," he said through small laughs. "I'm impressed." I swallowed hard and awaited his next comment.

"But there's one minor mishap in your plan to make yourself the alpha," he said taunting his finger at me.

Next thing I knew he had me pinned against the wall again, putting much more pressure than he had earlier. I just gritted my teeth.

"I am the alpha. And I always will have control over you, as I do right now. You have to do what I say," he said smirking until I cut him off.

"Or what?" I asked through winced pain.

"Do you wanna find out?" He brought his lips to my ear and whispered before letting go of my shoulders and walking back to the bed.

Why was he always right? I sank back down the wall and miserably looked at the ceiling before meeting eyes with him again.

"Fine. We can play a game, but on one condition." He looked me up and down and nodded slightly.

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