make it stop

353 16 46

Jellybean had left and Jughead wasn't doing so well.

   Little memories continued to come back to him. Each one was murdering his mind more and more.

   And just like Veronica had said...

   He was starting to go crazy.

   "What's up Ronnie?"

   His own voice echoed through his head, appearing to have escaped and been playing out in front of his face.

   He was already pissing Veronica off. "You know, just wanted to catch up," Veronica forced out, smiling as sweetly as possible. "Heard your dad is the serpent king. Aka my leader," Veronica said casually, taking some of his fries. "First of all, never take my food again, secondly, why are you here?" He asked as if he was already bored with her. "Fp, your dad, sent me here to talk to you about the serpents," Veronica stated, looking into his deep blue eyes. They really were hypnotizing. "Well, talk, cause I have better things to do than deal with you southside scum," he stated cockily. Veronica clenched her jaw and tried to calm herself down. But it was just too damn hard.

   Jughead blinked and steadied himself, feeling his body begin to shut down, atom by atom, organ by organ.

   "Oh and what'll be those consequences, huh angel?" He asked, stroking a peice of hair out of her way. She slapped his hand out of her face. "You'll just have to wait and see. Now are you sure you wanna back out?" Veronica asked, trying to be brave and strong. He laughed and squinted at her while smirking.

   Jughead's mind was overfilled with more memories of moments that seemed so far off, yet so special.

   "I know you're trying to intimidate me, angel, but that's not gonna work," he said smirking. "You have no power over me," Veronica whispered while gritting her teeth. "But that's where you're wrong, angel," he said as he placed his hand on Veronica's thigh. She looked down and tried to catch her breath. He gripped it which made her flinch. "I have and always will have control over you," he said, tightening his grip on her thigh. He smirked at her one last time, then got up and left, giving Veronica a wink and Cheryl and Toni a glare.

   Saying he had an unexplainable migraine would be the understatement of the year. His head was almost glitching through thoughts and old feelings.

   Jughead snatched the paper out of Veronica's hand. "Math first period? That sucks. You know what sucks even more? You have it with me." A deep and cocky voice echoed through the now empty halls and Veronica met his blue and green eyes. "Give it back Jughead. Now," Veronica ordered sternly. But something in his eyes told her that was never going to happen. He started to walk away, but then he turned back and pinned Veronica against the wall. She tried to keep calm but felt his hot breath on her neck, as if he was scanning it.

   His skin was almost frozen as if he was already dead. And it was only Spring, the weather was not even close to the Antarctic temperature his skin was inside and out.

    "Déjà vu?" He asked cockily. She swallowed hard again and took another deep breath. Veronica gave an angered smile, but he pushed harder on her shoulders. He saw her wince in pain and raised an eyebrow. "You like that?" He asked smirking. She shook her head hoping he'd listen and stop. He didn't.

   His walk had been minor. The thirty minutes cut down by his run in with his dead, and apparently supernatural sister.

   "As for your dare, you have to go to the bars on our cell and lick them seductively." Veronica gave him a strange expression, straining her features. But of course, she had alcohol in her system and was practically drunk because she is horrible with liquor. "Okay," she said getting up and stumbling to the cell bars. He had the biggest smile she had ever seen, as she approached the bars. She smiled back drunkly at him before gently pressing her tongue against the cold bar and sliding it up and down. She heard indistinct laughing from behind her and removed her tongue from the bars. "What's so funny, Jones?"

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