the past

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Jughead pondered over how he should execute his thought through plan.

He wondered if he should change every little detail, but he knew it would take days even weeks of compelling her for him to remove every bad memory she's ever had.

So he just decided he would pick a certain point, and go from there.

He'd make sure she never found out about witches, vampires, werewolves, sirens, or anything else that may put her or anything she cared about in danger.

He'd make sure she'd never be a Crusnik- or vampire again.

He'd make sure she would heal and get the life she's always deserved.

This circled him back to the thought, should I stay in her life?

But thinking back on everything they had been through, everything he had put her through, it was just... surreal.

The years of torture with no decent excuse.

The sexual, mental, and emotional manipulation.

The constant lies about his feelings, his thoughts, his lifestyle.

The beatings and bruises he gave her.

The coldness he threw her way just because she was the only one who made him feel warm.

The way he made her whole life worse by just existing.

The countless times he hurt her so much she almost killed herself.

All of these sad facts floated to the top of his memory and he knew that they answered his question.


He knew he shouldn't, it would be the most selfless thing to do.

But that's strange for him. He's always selfish.

He's the definition of selfish.

And after all, he is technically a Salvatore.

And the Salvatore's are selfish.

Doing what was right was not at all like him.

Jughead 'Jones' did the wrong things for the right reasons.

And that's what he was going to do.

The wrong thing- for the right reason.

He knows Veronica would want him to stay in her life.

But that's just because of all that happened.

Jughead thought, what would happen if this hadn't have happened? What would she say to me, then?

So, he drew a line in the middle.

He decided he would give her the cure, use The Cooper Device, and let the old Veronica decide if he should stay with her or not.

What's The Cooper Device, you may ask? Well, it is, in fact, a giant part to Jughead's master plan.

Jughead had to go digging up Polly Cooper's grave to get it, rummaging around the dead corpse for the small gadget. Along with going for a swim in Sweetwater River for the missing piece that made it work.

This small little trinket, however, could turn back time as far as a year, which, this Tuesday, would leave it to be the day Southside high shut down. That Wednesday was when Veronica found out about Jughead and Fp being "related", and that Thursday was when they had their little "moment" in the hallway and ended up going to jail.

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