alive- "i can't live without you"

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"You're Elena's doppelgänger."

"Well, technically she's mine. I mean, I know she's your sister but don't flatter her," Katherine raises an eyebrow. She pushed herself up on the bathroom counter.

   "What are you doing here?" Veronica attempted to keep herself calm and collected. She was standing in front of the devil literally incarnate, and she could not show mercy or vulnerability right now.

"Do you really not know? I knew you were stupid, but are you that stupid?" veronica clenched her jaw and tried to pretend that this was just a harmless yet rude and intimidating version of her sister.

It didn't work.

"I'm here for you Miss magic eyes!," Katherine's voice leaking of fake enthusiasm and impatience.

The brunette in heels jumped off of the counter and slowly walked toward Veronica in big strides of confidence and intimidation.

The weaker girl backed up, blinking her eyes as frequently as possible to get rid of the tears.

It's hard to believe that just hours ago, Veronica had never felt more loved and happy despite the last 16 hours. But now, all she could think about was how stupid she was.

Coming to Riverdale— the one place she was asked not to go— to try and live a better life with her new 'friends.' All because of Jughead and his unacceptable non-humane behavior.

And now... look at the position she is in.

"You're gonna comply to everything I say, Veronica. And if you don't, I think you know the consequences." Veronica looked her up and down.

"You can't compel me." The girl with thick curls laughed, "You think I want to compel you? Honey, I'm the devil. I don't need to compel anyone. If you're stupid enough not to listen to me, then you should've died a long time ago." Her voice was so unfazed and steady, it jerked Veronica's nerves even more.

"What do you want from me," it wasn't even a question, for Veronica knew the answer.

Katherine took another step closer forcing Veronica to back up into the wall. Being stuck against the wall, Katherine was able to get mere inches from Veronica's face.

"I want to kill you, sweetie."

Before Veronica could let a stray tear slip, Katherine's hands were gripped tightly on Veronica's shoulders. The girls stared at each other, and Katherine said something in a different language the scared girl did not understand. Therefore, the human's eyes closed.

When Veronica opened her eyes again, she was not in the girl next doors bathroom. Instead, she was in a... restaurant? She didn't exactly know, but it was modern and styled. And it looked very familiar, however she couldn't put her finger on it.

She was on what appeared to be a stage. A short foot away from her, there was a chair— wooden and appearing uncomfortable.

Katherine still stood with her hands tightly on Veronica's shoulders. The curly-haired devil removed her hands and smiled, taking a stand next to Veronica to face the outward way of the stage.

"Hello, everyone! You may or may not know me, but I am Katherine Pierce. A.K.A., the devil." Everyone who was seated properly in the building didn't flinch a scared little muscle. They just sat still.

"Oh, no worries, hun," Katherine turned to Veronica. "I have a witch working for me. She has them all under a sort of... spell. And before you ask, yes it was the same witch who brought us from your friends bathroom to the mystic grill."

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