he turned it off

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Jughead walked past both me and Damon, brushing his shoulder as he did so.

"What the hell just happened?," I asked a distraught Damon. I quickly struggled to wipe my tears, but it appeared he was a little preoccupied with Jughead to notice.

"He turned it off."

"What? Is that some blood sucker term? Cause you know I don't know or care about that shit."

"Yeah, it is some blood sucker term, Veronica." I could tell by his tone and the fact that he used my real name that he— that this was serious.

I stared up at him. He just stared blankly at the doorway Jughead had walked through moments ago.

"He flipped his switch," Damon began, sending my eyes burning into his face. "Vampires— we have this mental switch in the back of our heads, and we can turn it off. All of it."

"Turn what off?" He paused a moment as if to rekindle the thoughts— good and bad.

"The feelings, the emotions. Everything. When your switch is flipped, when you turn it off— you can't feel anything. Not sadness, sympathy, kindness, gratitude, not even love." I looked at the ground for a quick moment before looking back at Damon's crystal blue, tear crusted eyes.

"Whatever you said to him, you hurt him enough to make him turn it off." I glared up at damon.

"When I turned my humanity off, it was because I left Enzo for dead. And I had to turn it off to do such a thing." He was getting emotional talking about it.

"And for you, or anyone, to force someone like Jughead to turn off his humanity," he looked at me for the first time with despise, sadness and anger, "you must've really hurt him."

And with that, Damon blew past me in a huff of mixed emotions.

I had no idea what this meant. For Jughead. For Damon. For me. For any of us.

I followed the direction I saw damon go until I reached the living room, everyone glaring daggers at me. Jughead was grabbing a bottle of bourbon, chugging it down in one effortless gulp.

"Can someone please tell me exactly what this means?" Caroline stood up and slowly made her way to me.

She stood so close, I could feel the heat radiating off of her angered body. She brought her face as close as she could.

"You did this to him?" Her voice growing in anger and volume with each word.

"Caroline!" Elena once again called out whatever she thought was wrong. Caroline took a step back. Funny, it almost seems like Elena has an effect on people.

"You better back off blondie," I said getting as close to her as she had just previously.

"Or what? You'll glare me to death?" I narrowed my eyes at her and just choked back the cuss words I was about to spew.

"I have a blonde back home, Goldilocks, and she's even got more fire than you." Caroline huffed and puffed. "You being a big bad blood sucker and her being a petty little bitch from the perfect lifestyle."

"You know what I am and you still want to push me?" Caroline got somehow even closer, forcing me to nudge back a step.

"Well I guess a Taylor Swift wannabe like yourself just doesn't intimidate me." Caroline smiled a fake ass Barbie smile.

"Well maybe you'll change your mind." Caroline slightly hung her mouth open, showing her fangs grazing on her bottom lip, her eyes sprouting inhumane veins of hunger. I immediately backed up.

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