the muse

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   I took my spare jacket out of the closet and threw my wet and dirty one on the floor.

   No one has two jackets except for me. No one knows, but I told Fp I lost one about a year ago so I could get another. But obviously, I never really lost it.

   I had a smile on my face and a fresh start on my mind. Let's see what Jughead's really gonna do to me. Can't be worse than what he's already put me through.

   I grabbed my probably broken phone and headed out the door with an unexpected grin on my face.

   When I entered the wyrm, Jughead was at the tank where the snake was. Oh yeah, I remember this. I didn't have to do it, but I remember it.

   Ah, the joy of seeing him stick his hand in there will cleanse my pores.

   He just threw his hands in the tank effortlessly, and retrieved the knife with ease. The snake bit his hand, making Jughead flinch off guard.

   The venom glands were removed so it sadly wouldn't be deadly, but he just pulled out his hand with the knife and handed it to Fp with a bored smirk.

   "That was easy, what's next?" Everyone in the room was stunned. No on had ever been that prone to the snake bite.

   "You don't even want me to wrap your hand?" Toni asked confused. Jughead shook his head.

   "No, it doesn't hurt." Cheryl shook her head, not understanding.

   "No! No, it doesn't make sense," Cheryl snatched Jughead's hand and examined it despite his aggressive refusal.

   "Hey!" But even though Jughead didn't want Cheryl to see his hand, she did. She looked at it and her face was soft struck.

   "Cher, What is it?" Toni asked, touching her girlfriend on the arm.

   "He doesn't have a bite!" She yelled widening her eyes at jughead.

   "What? No, I saw him get bit," Toni said, taking Jughead's hand as well.

   "What? How is this possible?" Toni was just as confused as Cheryl, and now myself.

   If this has anything to do with what I saw on his face earlier....

   "Boy, I saw you get bit!" Fp joined in, shocked. Jughead waved his hand to stop the accusation and such.

   "It doesn't matter, does it? I retrieved the knife like I was told and that's all that matters, right?" Fp took a second and nodded.


   "But Fp! How can he just be cured like magic?" Fp ignored Cheryl's remark.

   "It doesn't matter, he completed the task." Cheryl stepped down as well as Toni, and I just took a deep breath. That's when Fp looked behind Jughead's shoulder to see me in the back.

   Witnessing this was cold. My body was shaking internally, but I couldn't move. I just shook my head and forced myself not to cry.

   Fp's long stare led Jughead to look behind him. He turned and smirked at me, not letting the others see.

   "Veronica," Fp said. I looked down and bit my lip. I looked back up to see Cheryl, Toni, and fangs with sad and sympathetic expressions on their faces.

   "No," I said shaking my head. "No, don't. I'm great," I said remembering that I had called Betty. "Just great." I smiled brightly at Jughead as if to say congratulations to the others point of view.

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