i didn't mean to

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"Wait, seriously?" Veronica nodded slowly. Betty knows everything now. Everything.

"So, you all are..." Veronica's eyes shone with tears as if to tell betty she was, indeed, what the blonde had thought.

Betty's eyes glistened with the same pain as Veronicas and she looked to Jughead, standing up slowly.

"Juggy?" Jughead faked a sad smile. "You're—"

"A vampire? Yes. And before you ask, I did compel you multiple times before, and I did feed on you and use you for my own benefits. You were kind of like my human Barbie." Betty took a step back, disturbed with everything that just came out of his mouth. "Wait, you compelled her? She's a witch," Elena noticed and pointed out.

"Yeah, Bonnie told me about that. How did you compel me then?"

"Do you know where Bonnie is?," Damon jumped in. "N-no. I haven't seen her since yesterday. She made me do a spell that she said would help me learn and improve myself, but after the spell and many loud noises— which I was told was normal— she was gone. I opened my eyes and she was gone." Betty didn't want to speak. Especially not to Damon. He scared her to the bone. Which is why she poured everything out before he gave her the 3rd degree.

Damon backed up, satisfied with her answer. "We'll find out how becky can be compelled later," Caroline shook it off, wanting to get on with the reason betty was there.

"It's betty," the crying blonde sobbed. "How could you do that to me, Jughead? I loved you!"

"And I used you."

Betty's chin quivered and she shook her head. "How long have you been... that?" Jughead shrugged, and it was obvious this conversation was not at all affecting him.

"Six years, give or take. About my first year in highschool it really began—"

"But Jughead we're not even done with our senior year!," Betty squealed.

   "It's complicated, Betty. Much too complicated for you to know, or for me to tell you." Betty rolled her eyes and a tear trickled down her cheek.

   "Damon? Elena? Caroline? You're all..." they smiled and tilted their heads proudly. Betty flickered her eyes with repulsion.

   "V..." she looked to Veronica. "And you?" Veronica looked to the ground, her vision becoming cloudy. "V, when? Since when?" Veronica looked back up to betty. "Oh, no! No, Betty I would never hurt you nor anyone else! Oh no, Betty, never I never... I just became a... i just turned yesterday." Betty sighed with relief, as if Veronica had just told her the best news of the day. Which was probably the case.

   "Okay, um, sorry to interrupt this moment or whatever, but why is Bertha here?"

   "It's betty!" Caroline shooed her off and looked to Damon. "Well, she is going to help us find Bonnie."

   "I'm sorry, I'm going to what?" Betty crosses her arms. "Okay, well, not exactly. She's going to help Veronica see Stefan. Or.. well, if she can. We're not entirely sure if she can now that she's a vampire. But if she can, then she can find enzo and then find out Bonnie's location. Everyone ready?"

   "Woah, I did not agree to this," Veronica interjected. "Uh, yeah, you did," Damon nodded. "What?" Damon faked a smile. "When did I ever say I would help you with this?" Damon smiled. "Just now." Veronica groaned.


   Betty sat, candles surrounding her. Veronica was sitting across from Betty, an unsure and slightly frightened expression on her face as she watched Betty dip her fingers in cold water.

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