*a girl like you*

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   "Oh my god," I said as my voice shook. I was really wishing I had a beer instead of a milkshake now. I straightened my jacket and tightened my ponytail when Cheryl and Toni gave me a sad look. "Are you sure Ronnie?" Toni asked slightly touching my shoulder. I pushed her off in deep thought of Jughead. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said even though that wasn't the question.

   I quickly chugged my milkshake down and took a breath before walking over to him. I was too focused on Jughead to even notice his bubblegum girlfriend that was sitting across from him. How could such an 'innocent' girl date a pig and demon like Jughead? Oh yeah, that's right, she's not innocent at all. I used to be friends with Betty, but when she found out what her boyfriend did to me, she didn't care, so I dumped her as a friend.

   I stepped in front of the table and looked at the two of them. Betty smiled at Jughead but it disappeared when she saw my forced smile. I hated seeing her because of that ponytail she wore. And it's not the fact that it's a ponytail, because I wear one too, but she copied me. She started to copy me constantly in 7th grade. Jughead also frowned at me and all the thoughts rushed back inside my head. Just seeing his face made me wanna curl up into a hole and die. I swallowed the fear that was growing inside me. I think he can sense fear, because he smirked when he saw it in my eyes.

   "Hi. Betty, Jughead." I said gesturing to both of them. "May I speak to Jughead for a minute?" I asked politely. Wait, why was I being so nice? Neither one of them deserve it. "Actually, me and Jughead were kinda in the middle of a conversation-" I cut her off. "Okay, I asked once nicely but that's it. Beat it blondie." I said pointing my finger toward the door. She looked from me to jughead then I raised my eyebrows at her. She grabbed her bag and walked out the door giving a smile and wave to Jughead. I slid in across from him. He was facing the door and I was facing the wall which was right behind him. We were sitting in the back of Pops in the last booth. "What's up Ronnie?" He asked eating a couple of fries. He was already pissing me off. "You know, just wanted to catch up," I said smiling as sweetly as possible. "Heard your dad is the serpent king. Aka my leader," I said taking some of his fries. "First of all, never take my food again, secondly, why are you here?" He asked as if he was already bored with me. "Fp, your dad, sent me here to talk to you about the serpents." I said looking into his deep blue eyes. They really are hypnotizing. "Well, talk, cause I have better things to do than deal with you southside scum," he said cockily. I clenched my jaw and tried to calm myself down. He's always called me that, ever since 9th grade.

  "What do you want Lodge?" He asked pushing the fries away and crossing his arms on the table. "Well to get to the point, I have to convince you to join the serpents," I said mimicking his psychical actions. "Um, no, there's no way in hell I'll ever join that fucked up gang bullshit." He said waving his hand. I turned my head around to roll my eyes so he didn't see and saw Toni and Cheryl watching nervously from across the diner. I shot them a quick, 'ughhhh' look and turned my attention back to Jughead and smiled. "Juggy, I suggest you take my advice on this one and join the serpents. It'll save us both a lot of trouble," I said smirking annoyingly. "And why would I care if it's easy for you?" He asked lifting his eyebrow. "Because Jughead, there'll be serious consequences." I said trying to intimidate him, but it sadly didn't work. He stood up and slid in the booth next to me.

"Oh and what'll be those consequences, huh angel?" He asked stroking a peice of hair out of my face. I got chills when he touched me because more memories came rushing back. I slapped his hand out of my face. "You'll just have to wait and see. Now are you sure you wanna back out?" I asked trying to be brave and strong. He laughed and squinted at me while smirking. "I know you're trying to intimidate me, angel, but that's not gonna work," he said smirking. I gulped hard because I knew he was trying to get to me. But I wasn't going to let him, at least not here or now. "You have no power over me," I whispered into his ear while gritting my teeth. "But that's where your wrong angel," he said as he placed his hand on my thigh. I looked down and was trying to catch my breath. He gripped it which made me flinch. "I have and always will have control over you," He said and tightening his grip on my heated thigh. He smirked at me then got up and left, giving me a wink and Cheryl and Toni a glare.

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