she loves me

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   "Are you sure you're okay?"

   Jughead frantically nodded, his foot twitching as he dug his nails into the refined wood wall. He has been trying his very best to keep himself together. But it's been over an hour and he felt like wiping out the whole vampire race with his teeth.

   A timer rang and Jughead wiped the sweat off of his face. The loud ringing that echoed throughout the Salvatore Mansion indicated that it was feeding time.

   "Snack Time, lil' bro." Jughead glared up at Damon as Caroline brought over a blood bag with her own blood in it. She gently handed it to Jughead, but before she could, he snatched it from her grasp and stuffed it into his mouth, draining the weak thing in a few seconds.

   They all stared at him, bewildered. He was only supposed to have one blood bag every hour. "Jughead, are you alright?" questioned a worried Caroline.

   His eyes looked as though he had smoked all the weed in the world. The red was surrounding his iris like an ocean to an island.

   "You gotta give me more, please. Its not enough,
i-it won't last me." Spoken like a true maniac who was desperate for blood.

   "Jughead, Elena said—"

   Jughead sprang up from the floor and captured Caroline in a choke hold, pinning her up against the wall with one hand.

   "I don't give a fuck what that dumb bitch said, I need more blood and I need it now."

   Caroline swung her hands around, recklessly trying to detach Jughead's hands from around her throat.

   Damon, however, appeared in the blink of an eye to throw Jughead off of the frightened blonde.

   "Be careful. He's stronger now that he's a Crusnik." Caroline winced in pain at her slowly healing neck wound.

   "Yeah, no shit," Caroline spat out in pain.

   "You're okay though?" Caroline nodded at Damon and went to the bathroom to take a look at the damage the new Crusnik had done.

   "Jughead, you need to calm down," Damon turned, expecting to meet his brothers icy eyes. Jughead, on the other hand, had no intention of  calming down.

   Jughead himself and his senses were heightened in more ways than one.

   He could hear things up to three miles away, vamp run for a whole hour without getting tired, lift the weight of an elephant with ease, and control the minds of a whole town with no effort and no outspoken words needed.

   He now knew this because he had left. Whilst Damon was distracted helping Blondie, Jughead has slipped out the window with his serpent jacket on his back, his beanie on his head, and a dangerously hungry smirk playing on his lips as he made his way to Riverdale.

   Nonetheless, with good things, bad ones always follow. And as Jughead has all of the good benefits exaggerated, his bad ones did the same thing.

   His smug, arrogant personality was on its edges along with his thirst for chaos. And not only was his hunger magnified, but his hatred, possessiveness, and danger were too.

   One could only be thankful Veronica wasn't there.

   Well, in theory, she was.

   Just 1,000 miles beneath the surface getting drunk with the devil.


   "Yeah, that bitch. She always got everything she wanted. Even when everyone did find out that she was adopted and not a founding family." Katherine was drinking away her sorrows as well as her newly aquatinted friend.

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