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{3rd person point of view}

   On the road.

   Four girls.

   The witch: noble, wise, beyond her years, tough, strong, resilient, and most of all— powerful. Just her personality is terrifyingly dominant, and when she retrieves her powers, she will no doubt unstoppably rule the world in her own inventive, clever, emotional way.

   The blonde: stubborn, assertive, mindful, and secretly manipulative. Confidentially caring, sweet, kind, and loving, but will snap your neck in a second if you harm someone she cares about. The exact opposite in my other blonde friend in that manner.

   The doppelgänger, A.K.A, the sister: the softest person you will ever meet, but tries to hide behind a confident exterior she unmeaningly destroys too soon. Will fool anybody with being a sweetie-pie who only cares for others, but she will without hesitation rip out your throat if you piss her off— or anyone she cares about for that matter. Standing by her sister faithfully.

   And then there is...

   The liability outcast: lonely. forgotten. a nobody. just there to please those around her, never for her own benefit. and whenever she tries to help or do something generous, she always ends up getting hurt. Leans toward a source of family and company as a form of acceptance. And when that gets taken out of her grasp, she has nothing to look forward to. Always has a dark background, her history already tainted. She somehow comes upon a darkness she can't escape— something more painful and gruesome then she's ever encountered before. And she is stuck in the darkness, with no light to guide her out. then she runs away form the darkness, with the darkness. She doesn't fit in even though she likes to think so. Everyone only wants her for what she has, not what she can give.

But here they were. Four girls, all running from darkness when it was already inside of them.

Especially Veronica.

Ever since Jughead had bitten Veronica and fed her his blood, she had all sorts of darkness flowing through her. It was running through her veins.

Veronica had even permanently taken her ponytail down for the time being. Or, at least until the two deep and reminding wounds on her neck fade. For some unknown reason, the blood Jughead forced into her mouth didn't heal her. Veronica assumes it was a 'doppelgänger-sister' thing or whatever, so she didn't bother asking or telling anyone. But her wavy black hair fell an inch or so below her shoulder, and covered the horrible scarring mark.

Caroline and Elena had previously mentioned to Veronica the special blood running through her veins. But Veronica shut down the conversation before it got too emotional for her. And no one dared to say anything else about it.

They were now in riverdale, Veronica had been driving around with her friends, showing them the historical monuments in the town. Of course, Veronica was not the one driving, she did not have a drivers license given her background.

"Okay, so, where shall we go first?" Bonnie perked up from the back seat to lean over in the front to put her face in between Elena— the driver— and Veronica— the passenger.

"Let's see the witch; bertha?— is it?" Veronica chuckled to herself lowly.

"Well, it's actually betty, but we all call her that. Yeah, we can go there first."

Veronica directed the driver, Elena, toward Betty's house.

"Here we are. The house owned by the pink devil herself." The other three girls laughed, and Bonnie and Caroline climbed out the back of the old car.

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