When you're sad

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Lately you had been thinking about your past and you couldn't help but cry when you remembered the way your mom was before she got remarried .

You and your mom had pretty good times when it was just you and her but then things took a turn for the worse when she got remarried .

You had been crying because you missed your mom when she was happier .

Megatron had come into his room and saw you on your bed crying .

Normally he would kill anyone who showed weakness but he just couldn't bring himself to kill you .

Megatron activated his holoform and sat down next to you on your bed and you hugged him and cried on his shoulder .

What is wrong Y/n ? Megatron asked in a soft tone .

You wiped your teary E/c eyes and told him what had happened to you and why you were living in a forest alone .

Megatron didn't know what to say or do exept let you cry .

Megatron comforted you as best he could until you fell asleep and he laid you down on your bed and quietly left his berthroom .

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