You find his secret hobby

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Today had been busy again , so busy that even Steve was too busy to visit you so you just having a lazy day .

After a while you decided to have a better look around Megatron's berthroom .

There were a few shelves with parts of other Cybertroinians which you found both gross and sad .

Then you had a better look at his berth , it looked like it could fit two Cybertroinians comfortably .

What caught your eye though was a piece of paper that was just peaking over the edge of Megatron's nightstand .

You climbed up the latter and saw a few human sized papers laying around .

You went over to the red paper at the edge of the nightstand and saw that it was a poem , as you read it you realized that Megatron wrote poetry .

After you read the first poem you placed it back the way you found it and read the others .

By the time you were done you climbed back down the latter so you could make dinner .

When you were almost done Megatron walked into his berthroom , activated his holoform and hugged you from behind .

Hey Megsy , how did your day go ? You asked Megatron .

It went good , I hope you weren't too bored while I was away . Megatron said to you .

No , I just had a lazy day doing nothing . You told him .

Don't worry , things will be slowing down soon so I can spend more time with you . Megatron said as he sat down at the table .

You both are and talked until you both went to sleep/recharge .

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