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One of the men stood next to you and picked up a syringe with a needle and stabbed you in the arm with it and drew blood while you screamed in pain .

After the man was done he went into another room to do some blood tests and then came back after a few minutes .

Well , is she healthy enough ? Silas asked the man .

Yes , she's in perfect health . The man replied .

Good , get her ready for the transfer . Silas told his men .

Silas uncovered a femme Cybertroinian body that was laying next to you and you started panicking more now that you knew what was about to happen .

One of the men gagged you so your screaming wouldn't be too loud as another man stuck various needles in your skin and some kind of strange helmet on your head with a cord attached on the top of it that lead to the femme Cybertroinian's head .

Once they were done they went to the platform where Silas was standing near a computer .

Is she ready ? Silas asked one of the men .

Yes Sir , she's ready . The man replied .

Silas then pressed a button on the computer console and you felt like you were being torn apart as electricity went through your body and then everything went black .

     ~ Time skip a few hours later ~

You felt extremely heavy when you tried waking up and your vision was blury .

When your eyes adjusted you noticed everything was smaller , and then you realized that you were somehow transferred to the femme Cybertroinian body .

I see you finally woke up , for a while I thought that you didn't make it . You heard Silas say .

Why did you transfer me to a Cybertroinian body ? You asked Silas angrily .

Silas didn't say anything but instead had his men open your chest plates .

Then you saw it , you had a spark .

Silas then had his men close your chest plates .

You couldn't believe it , Silas had turned you into a Cybertroinian with a spark and everything .

Silas then had his men take your human body to burn it so there wouldn't be any evidence that he experimented on a human .

No , return me to my normal body ! You screamed as the men took your body .

I don't think so , you won't be needing it now that you're Cybertroinian .

Silas then injected something into your protoform and you blacked out again .

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