Joltbreaker finds out the truth

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Joltbreaker was now 17 in Cybertroinian years and he had grown into a fine young mech but sometimes still acted like a youngling .

You and Megatron both knew that you both would have to tell Joltbreaker about his real creators but neither of you knew when to tell him .

The day you had brought him back you had also brought the note in his pod with you and you and Megatron put in in a bin of stuff you rarely used .

Today however Joltbreaker was looking through the bin and spotted the note at the bottom .

He read the note and realized that his biological creators had offlined because they had caught the Cybernetic Plague and didn't want him to offline .

Joltbreaker was a little upset that you or Megatron told him that his biological creators were offline and he was kinda sad that he would never get to meet them but he wasn't angry at either of you because you both raised him as your own .

Joltbreaker , what are you doing ? You asked Joltbreaker once you saw him with something in his servo .

Carrier , why didn't you tell me about my biological creators ? Joltbreaker asked in a sad tone .

Well , neither your sire or I knew exactly when to tell you . You said .

Carrier , how exactly did you find me ? Joltbreaker asked you .

Well , it was a few hundred Earth years ago shortly after your sire and I spark bonded and one day I was walking not too far from here when I heard a cry behind some boulders . You said .

And then what ? Joltbreaker asked you .

Well , after a few minutes I thought I was just hearing things until I heard a louder cry so I looked around the boulders and saw a sparkling pod behind them . When I got to the pod I saw that the door was torn off and I saw you inside and I picked you up and read the note . After reading the note I brought you back to this very cave and introduced you to your sire who accepted you as his own mechling and that's how we became a family . You said .

Was I a good sparkling ? Joltbreaker asked you .

Yes , you were good but you kept getting up in the middle of the night for the first year and kept both me and your sire from getting a complete recharge . You said .

Oh , sorry about that . Joltbreaker said .

It's alright , we knew you'd grow out of that faze sooner or later . You said .

You and Joltbreaker went over to where an older datapad was and you showed him some videos of when he was a sparkling .

So , what are you both watching ? Megatron asked .

Some videos of when I was a sparkling . Joltbreaker said .

You then played the video of when Joltbreaker grabbed onto the two horns on Megatron's helm and pushed and pulled on them .

After a while Joltbreaker hugged both of you and thanked you both for being his sire and carrier .

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