Joltbreaker's first alt mode

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Today was Joltbreaker's eleventh creation day and both you and Megatron were planning on letting Joltbreaker choose his very own alt mode that wasn't a Cybertroinian alt mode .

Megatron made energon candies again while you looked up a place where there were jets since Joltbreaker was a flyer .

Sire , carrier , what's the surprise you told me about ? Joltbreaker asked you and Megatron .

You'll see later and I know that you'll love it . You told Joltbreaker .

Okay carrier , I'll wait . Joltbreaker said .

Once night time came you , Megatron and Joltbreaker went to a nearby airport where some jets were parked .

You put a blindfold on Joltbreaker and you and Megatron lead him to the airport .

Once the three of you got there you took off the blindfold and Joltbreaker's optics went wide .

Sweet , I get to pick my alt mode , thank you so much sire and carrier . Joltbreaker said .

Joltbreaker carefully went into the airport and looked around for a while until he found the perfect jet and he scanned it and then came back to where you and Megatron were waiting .

Well ? You asked Joltbreaker .

I think I found the perfect alt mode . Joltbreaker said .

Megatron told Joltbreaker how to transform and After a few minutes Joltbreaker got the hang of transforming and flew around for a while then came back and transformed back and hugged both you and Megatron .

This is super cool , flying is the best ! Joltbreaker said .

You , Megatron and Joltbreaker transformed and went for a flight in the moonlight for a while before flying back to the cave .

You three transformed and walked inside .

Megatron had found a berth that was big enough for the both of you to sleep on and Joltbreaker got one of the other berths .

You all said your good nights and went into recharge after the busy day you all had .


Joltbreaker's alt mode

Joltbreaker's alt mode

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