You visit the Autobots

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Today Megatron was having a mechs day with Soundwave so you decided to explore more of the forest with Joltbreaker .

Joltbreaker was walking on his own more and he could say a lot more .

Right now Joltbreaker was walking next to you and pointed out every single bug he saw and you told him what kind of bugs they were .

Just then Joltbreaker saw a bee and chased it through some bushes .

Joltbreaker , cone back here . You called out .

After a few minutes of searching you saw Joltbreaker talking to a red Cybertroinian .

Excuse me . You said to the Cybertroinian .

Well , who might you be ? Asked the red mech with a smirk .

My name is Y/n and I already have a sparkmate . You said and saw him stiffen up .

So , is this sparkling your's then ? He asked .

Yes , he chased a bee through the bushes . You said .

Well , it's nice to meet you Y/n , my name is Sideswipe . Sideswipe said .

By the way , Y/n sounds more like a human name than a Cybertroinian name . Sideswipe said .

What's going on here ? Sideswipe , are you bothering these bots ? A blue and white femme asked Sideswipe .

No , I was just returning this sparkling back to his carrier . Sideswipe said to the femme .

My apologies ma'am , Sideswipe here can sometimes be a pain in the neck . The femme said .

It's alright , who are you ? You asked the femme .

Cadet Strongarm Ma'am , partner to Lieutenant Bumblebee . Strongarm said .

Wait , Bumblebee is back on Earth ? You asked .

Yes , do you know him ? Strongarm asked you .

Yes , I met him the last time he was on Earth . You said .

Strongarm , Sideswipe , where are you both ? You heard a voice come from behind some trees .

Then you saw a yellow and black bot step out from behind the trees .

Bumblebee , is that you ? You asked .

Yes , but who are you ? Bumblebee asked you .

It's me , Y/n . You said .

Y/n , how are you a Cybertroinian ? Bumblebee asked you .

MECH got a hold of me . You said .

Joltbreaker peeked out from behind your legs and saw Bumblebee .

Bee , Bee , Bee , Bee , Bee . Joltbreaker said happily as he ran to Bumblebee .

Well , who is this ? Bumblebee asked you as he picked Joltbreaker up .

That's Joltbreaker , I found him in a pod behind a bunch of boulders . You said .

Just then a green and black Dinobot ran to where you , Bumblebee , Sideswipe , Strongarm and Joltbreaker were .

Hey Bee , sorry I'm late . The Dinobot said to Bumblebee .

It's alright Grimlock . Bumblebee said to Grimlock .

Hey , is that a sparkling ? Grimlock asked Bumblebee .

Yes , he is . You said .

Bumblebee handed Joltbreaker back to you and he looked at each of the Autobots .

So , how long have you been back on Earth ? You asked Bumblebee .

Bumblebee told you about how he saw Optimus and how he , Strongarm and Sideswipe went through a spacebridge and how they were capturing escaped Decepticons .

After a while Joltbreaker tried saying Strongarm , Sideswipe and Grimlock's names but came up with nicknames instead .

You stayed a while longer talking to Bumblebee and his team and then when sunset came you all said your goodbyes and you and Joltbreaker went back to your cave .

Shortly after Joltbreaker went into recharge Megatron came back after his day with Soundwave .

It's about time you got back . You said to Megatron .

Megatron gripped your hips and pulled you in for a passionate kiss in which you returned .

I see you missed me today . You said to Megatron .

Yes , even though it was nice to spend the day with my former Third in Command I really missed you . Megatron said .

Megatron then cupped your aft with his servos and nipped and kissed your neck cables .

Megatron , not with Joltbreaker here . You slightly moaned .

Has he been recharging the whole night lately ? Megatron asked you .

Yes , why ? You asked Megatron .

Megatron then picked you up and carried you about a mile from your cave where you both had a little "fun" for a couple hours and then you both returned and saw Joltbreaker was still recharging so you kissed Megatron and you both soon went into recharge for the night .

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