You turn into a toddler

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F/f means favorite fruit


Today had started normal , you woke up , did your morning routine , ate breakfast and spent some time with Megatron .

But after a while Megatron had to leave for a while so he let you go visit Shockwave .

Shockwave's lab was pretty boring and you thought it was annoying whenever he said something was illogical .

He had been working on some sort of ray gun which accidentally fired on you .

By the time Shockwave turned the gun off he only saw a pile of clothes with something small buried in them .

You had popped your small head out and looked around the room and started to whimper .

Megatron had come back for you only to find Shockwave staring down at a human sparkling .

Shockwave....where is Y/n and why do you have a human sparkling ?

My apologies Lord Megatron but one of my newest experiments malfunctioned and turned Y/n into a sparkling .

Well then fix it , and don't come out of this lab until you get it fixed .

Megatron carefully picked you up and took you back to his room .

Once Megatron got back to his room he carefully set you down in your room and activated his holoform .

Once he made his way to your room he found you curiously looking at your new surroundings .

Who you ? You asked Megatron .

I am Megatron , leader of the Decepticons . Megatron told you .

Hi Megsy , my name Y/n . You told him in a shy voice .

Megatron was slightly freaking out since he had no idea of how to take care of you now that you were younger .

Megatron picked you up and went to your kitchen so he could at least get you something to eat .

Megatron set you down next to him and he found some F/f in your refrigerator .

When Megatron closed the fridge he saw that you were gone .

At this point Megatron was really panicking because he couldn't find you anywhere in your kitchen , he put a few pieces of F/f on a plate on the table and went to search for you .

Megatron looked in your living room for you but you were nowhere in sight so he went upstairs to look .

First he checked your bedroom but you weren't there , next he looked in your bathroom but you weren't there either , next he looked in the extra room that was next to yours but you weren't there either , then he looked in your laundry room but couldn't find you .

Megatron went back to your kitchen and saw you eating the fruit he had left out .

Tank you Megsy . You said with a full mouth .

Megatron was relieved that he hadn't
lost you after all .

Once you were done eating Megatron saw you were tired so he took you to your bedroom and put you down for a nap .

Soon Shockwave quietly came into Megatron's berthroom and changed you back .

Megatron thanked Shockwave and they both quietly left so you could finish your nap .

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