You find a sparkling

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You and Megatron had been living in your cave for a couple of months and so far you both have managed to find an abandoned Cybertroinian ship with supplies .

Right now Megatron was out searching for energon while you stayed at the cave to guard it but you were getting bored so you went for a walk .

As you were walking you passed a pile of boulders and heard a faint cry and you thought you were hearing things until you heard a louder cry .

Hello ? You said out loud .

You went to look for whatever was making that noise and then on the other side of the boulders you saw a small pod with the door torn off .

You carefully approached the pod and saw a sparkling inside .

You quickly picked the sparkling up and saw a note inside the pod so you picked it up and read it .

To whoever finds this pod .
We had to leave our sparkling behind because we caught the Cybernetic Plague and didn't want our sparkling to catch it and offline .
His name is Joltbreaker .

You couldn't believe that you had found a sparkling so you checked him for injuries and thankfully didn't find any .

Joltbreaker looked up at you and cooed .

You held Joltbreaker close as you returned to the cave .

Once you got back you were trying to find out how to tell Megatron about your new son .


I got the name Joltbreaker from this by using my first and last initials

I got the name Joltbreaker from this by using my first and last initials

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