M.'s Stripper [1]

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This is my new fan fic and well if you guys can take your time and read it, that will be great(: Please and thank you. Tell me whatca think in the comment box.


My name is Syreena Wate, mostly known as 'The Dirty Angel.' I am Zayn Malik's personal stripper and it's a job I do well. I strip for him and he gives me the money. A deal that I am proud of. I never wanted to become a stripper; I had a normal eighteen year old life when my parents got into a freak accident where they died right on the spot. It was hard on me, my parent s death and I had no one to call family. My friends didn't want to take me in since their family told them not to. I was eighteen years old and I was legal, so what did I do? I became a stripper. A whore, a bitch, whatever that is you want to call me. But it doesn't make a difference. I stopped caring long time back. Yes, it hurts sometimes. I want to go to college, get my masters and make a name out for myself. But right now, stripping is the job I do and I respect it. I cash in big dough from Zayn and yes, I am very well aware that he is a band member from, One Direction. But that doesn't make a difference. He's a client, that's all he means to me. I have been stripping for Malik, for about 2 months. He found me in a late night club shift and asked me to do it. I agreed within in a matter of seconds since I needed the cash. I save up my money and I hire a tutor with that money. I still want to be a doctor, funny isn't it? A stripper who dreams to be a doctor. I pay my tutor by the hour and with the money Zayn pays me, it works out. People assume we strippers are all skanks, but that isn't true at all. We take off our clothes and entertain because it our job.

It is 6:30 and I have to be at Zayn's flat by 7. I strip and stay at his place for hours a time maybe getting some extra tips. Getting ready, I put on my normal clothes which are some jeans and a t-shirt. I close the door to my flat and head to the busy streets in London. I hail a cab over and give Zayn's address. I check the time on my phone and its 6:45. Already! I ask the cab driver to hurry up so I can make it in time. The driver stops in front of his building and I run out, forgetting to pay the driver. I hand the cabbie a 20 and I run to the building. It was 6:50 and I click on the elevator button, praying it would descend from the 50th floor to G level. The door opens and I thank the gods its empty. I press the 67th floor and watch as the numbers escalates upward. I stare at my reflection in the elevator mirror and fix my makeup and hair. Every stripper has to look good for their client. The doors open and I rush to Zayn's door and knock on it. I always looked forward to coming to Zayn's even though I didn't want to admit it. The boy was really good in bed, not that I had sex with every client. I was picky and very choosy. Zayn happened to be good looking and very sexual as well. The door opens, showing an unshaven Zayn leaning by the door frame.

"Hello Syreena," Zayn greets me and I enter the flat.

"Hello, Zayn," I smile at his direction and I start un-buttoning my shirt.

Zayn comes near and catches my fingers which were about to un-button the second button on my shirt. I was taken aback by this action.

"You see Syreena, we have a guest today," Zayn looks and stares ahead with his chocolate hazel nut brown eyes.

I turn my head following his gaze and see a bush of curly hair and that person smiling at me.

"Hi," the boy walks over. "I'm Harry." He sticks his hands out and I put mine in his. He gives a firm shake and pulls his hand back. I pull my hand back and stare at Harry's face. He was white, with some visible acne shown. But it wasn't a huge amount. He had green orbs which were outlined in black. His eyes were a very good looking feature. I rank him over my eyes and pleased to see he's good looking and fit.

"Like what you see?" Harry smirks at me.

Well, at least he was direct and knew how to cut to the chase.

"I do," I grin at him. "I very much like what I see."

Harry smiles at me, and I notice he has some deep dimples. It made him look like a little boy.

"Well," I turn around to face Zayn. "I guess I'll be entertaining the both of you."

Zayn smirks and move his hands away from my shirt. I button my shirt up, leaving one loose and head over to the living room. I stand on top of the table and watch the two boys sitting on the couch getting comfortable. I start un-buttoning my pants and watch Harry smirk. I start sliding my pants down showing of my long waxed legs. I sit on the table and carefully move the jeans that were trapped in my heels. Stripping clothes off your body is hard work especially when the clothes get caught on your heels. I throw my jeans at Harry who catches and smells it. I grin and walk over to Zayn and sit on his lap and put his hands on my lace underwater. Zayn looks down and smirks before he goes inside. I let out a low moan and kiss Zayn tenderly on the nape of his neck and nibble on it. This was something that turned him on. I hear a moan escape Zayn's mouth and I smile. I feel a tug on my arms and I totally forgot about the guest, Harry. He pouts and I get up from Zayn's lap and crawl to Harry. He pats his thighs and I sit on them. My fingers comb through his curls, making them messy. Harry's hand goes up to my chest and he starts un-buttoning my shirt. I glance down at his fingertips and he smirks at me, his green eyes lighting up. He finishes opening my buttons and tugs on my arms so I can move them. I open them to the side and the shirt material slides off my arms and Harry tosses my shirt to the side. He then glances at my chest and his hands cup my breast.

"They're nice," Harry smirks at me.

I look up at him and smirk back. He was a fast worker. I let Harry massage my breasts and I utter a sigh. I hear someone clear his throat and I turn around to see Zayn smirking at us.

"Harry, you flirt," Zayn says and Harry laughs.

"You got that right, Zayn," Harry tells him and turns his attention back to me.

His hands stop massaging my breast but her holds them and gives me a warm tender peck on my lips. I sigh and feel a vibration from Harry's pockets. I rise up a bit and he goes for his phone and takes it out.

"Ello," he says over the phone and stares at me. He nods for a second and then turns to stare at Zayn. "When are you coming?" He asks and runs a hand through his hair. Zayn looks at Harry while he's speaking to whoever on the phone and it seemed like his eye were going to pop out of his sockets. "You guys are coming now!?" He asks in disbelief.

That was my cue. I get up from Harry's lap and I take my shirt and put it on hastily. I grab my jeans that were on the floor and I tug them back on and clasp the button. I start buttoning my shirt fast and tie a quick bun on the top of my head.

"They'll be here any minute now," I hear Harry and I was already ready.

"I'll come back same time tomorrow," I rush the words.

I give a quick wave to Harry and Zayn and I'm about to open the door when it opens. I stare back horrified and the others in the hallway stare back.

"Who might you be?" A blonde haired boy questions.

Shit, I've been caught.

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