M's Stripper [21]

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"Top of the morning to ya!"

I sit down on the seat and glance up at Niall smiling at me. I smile back.

"Morning," I say and acknowledge the others.

Liam gives me a smile looking happy to see me, and Harry was busy on his phone. Zayn was sitting besides Louis whose head was falling to my lap.

"Louis," I struggle lifting his head big. Damn, his head was heavy!

Zayn grabs Louis' head and places it on his shoulder. Aww, how nice. Louis mutters something in his sleep and shuts up again. the atmosphere in the car was sleepy, it was only 7:10 and we had an interview.

"So, how are the nerves?"

I glance up to the Irish accent and answer. "Not going to lie, but I'm scared."

Liam laughs and nods. "You should be. Just don't freak and we're here to cover you."

"Really?" I ask surprised.                     

"Yup," Niall says. "You're our buddy."

I smile big. "Thanks, I though you guys would...."

"Hate you?" Liam questions amusedly.

I nod. "Yeah, cause you know...."

I could finish the sentence. I was embarrassed and ashamed. These five guys knew I was a stripper and top of that, there best friend was dating a stripper. That was low.

"Oh it doesn't matter," Niall waves his hand. "Let the past be the past."

Liam smiles at Niall and to me, "He's right. You're now part of the One Direction gang, so suit up."

I smile ear to ear, that was not how I expected this to go. I did not think the guys would take me in so nicely without questions. At least one part of the problem was fixed.

"Harreh?" Zayn questions pushing his knee.

Harry doesn't respond.

"Yo, Harreh!" Zayn snaps his fingers in front of his face and Harry looks up from his phone.

"Wha?" He questions dazed and then see's me. It takes him time to register but then he smiles, popping his dimples. "Syreena!"

"Hey," I greet with a smile.

"Hi," Harry waves at me and smiles.

Harry's eyes were filled with sleep but yet he managed to look good. Actually all the guys did, how was that possible? I mean I was sure I looked like crap right now. Harry's eyes go back to his phone again.

"Hazza!" Zayn screams.

"What?" Harry answers still looking at the phone.

"Give me your—"Zayn grabs Harry's phone.

"Hey!" Harry exclaims and reaching for his phone. "I need it!"

"No you don't," Zayn says moving his arm around from Harry's reach.

"Come on!"

Harry tries to make a grab for the phone from Zayn's hand. Zayn's hand moves and his elbow hit Louis' head.

"OW! Louis screams jerking away from Zayn's shoulder and holding his hand.

Zayn and Harry freeze starting at the angered Louis who was clearly glaring at all of us.

"Who hit me?" Louis screams.

"His fault!" Zayn and Harry point to each other.

Louis glares at them and his eyes spots mine; he doesn't bother to say hi. Rude much Louis? Louis was now awake and he kept glaring at everyone in the car.

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