M's Stripper [7]

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I step in front of Syreena and catch the hand that Pierre raised to slap her. Perrie eyes widen in surprise and I clutch her hand tight.

"It's not her fault," I say, staring in to her widen eyes.

Perire glares at me and snatches her hand away from mine. "You fucking bastard, you're defending that whore," Perrie cries.

"She's not a whore, P," I say coldly.

She wasn't a whore. And if she was a whore then she was my whore; no one else's.

"Zayn are you nuts?!" Louis walks towards us and stands behind Perrie. "Who the hell is she, Zayn? Why was she in your bed?!"

I didn't want to tell them that she was a stripper, especially not my stripper. I had to keep it a secret at whatever cost. If the press found out that Perrie and I were no longer going out, they would want to know why. And then Perrie would surely blurt that Zayn Malik was having an affair with a stripper. Not good for my image, here. My eyes go up to Harry and he's wearing a confused expression on his face. I bit my lips unsure of how to answer Louis' questions. I couldn't lie and I wouldn't lie, but what if Harry told them the truth? I look back to Louis who staring at me with anger, confusion, and worry. So should I go with the truth or the risk? I go with the risk.

"She's my girlfriend," I blurt without even knowing.

Perrie's eyes go even wider if that's possible, Louis' jaw drops, and Harry stares at me wide eyed. I hear a startled breath behind me. It was as if Syreena was choking.

"She's your what?" Perrie chocks out.

"She's my girlfriend," I say again sounding definite. "We've been—"

"Don't," Perrie cuts me off.

She looked devastated right now and it was my entire fault.

"Perrie," I begin and inch closer to her.

"Please," Perrie chocks on her tears. "Just, please Zayn."

Perrie glances between the sides of my shoulders and gives a glare. Then she locks her eyes on me, turns around, and walks away without a word. I hear the front door slam and then I'm confronted by Louis.

"Zayn," Louis was grabbing my shirt. "Please tell me you're joking." Louis was staring at me and had an unfathomable expression.

I turn my head to the side. I couldn't look at Louis right now; he looked desperate as if this was a nightmare he could wake up from.

"How could you Zayn!" Louis screams at me and shakes me. "How could you hurt her like this?! Zayn, Perrie loves you dammit!"

"Well I don't love her!" I scream back to Louis's face.

"What?" Louis looks taken back.

"I. Don't. Love. Her." I repeat the sentence making sure to sound the words out.

Louis blinks his eyes and then turns his attention to Syreena. He lets go of my shirt and pushes me aside. I look at Louis approach Syreena and she has horror written all over her face.

"You," Louis points a finger to her face. "Because of you, all this happened? Are you happy now? Huh?! Are you fucking happy now?!" Louis grabs Syreena's hand and grips it tight. "Are you fucking happy?"

"Louis stop!" I yell and push him away from her.

I grasp Syreena's arm and roll up her quarter sleeve. I see a red fresh mark on her forearm and then four half moon shaped marks. Louis gave her the red mark but the moons were from me. I glance up at Syreena and she looks away and pulls her arm free.

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