M's Stripper [17]

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Zayn's thumb was rubbing circles on my hands, and it felt comforting. My stomach was hurting now because I was scared. I was really scared. I had no intention of meeting Simon Crowell in person, never did and I never wanted to. But destiny loved playing games with me, so here I am walking to the elevator from Syco Records. The elevator dings on its arrival and we step inside.

"It will be okay," Zayn tells me.

"No it won't," I gulp.

I was tapping my foot and chewing on my lips. I broke the skin of my lips and felt blood on the tip of my tongue.

"Shit," I mutter and lick the blood.

"Lemme see."

Zayn tucks his finger on my chin and brings it up to him. He inspects my lips and leans closer, until his breath tickled my face.

"it's going to be fine, I'm here okay. I won't let Simon kill you."

I look straight into his nut brown eyes and feel the determination out of them. Zayn wasn't going to let me get slaughtered out there in the meeting. And if they did, he would take it too. He was now by my side and I smiled. It was the first time someone actually cared about me, and I liked it. I gulp and nod. Zayn smiles and kisses my cheek before leaning back. I bring my hand up to my cheek where Zayn left a spit kiss. I wipe it with my arm and shoot a glare at him. Zayn gives this cheesy smile and the elevator doors slide open. I glance at horror, not able to move. I was going to die today, no doubt. Zayn tugs on my hand and I blink at him. Zayn tugs again and we walk out of the elevator together. Zayn was leading and I was just staring. The hallway was lighted by those energy bulbs and the floor was cream colored and waxed. I could see my own frightened expression on it. There was a black door at the end of the hallway and I was dead sure we were walking towards it.

We stop in front of the door and Zayn gives me a little smile. I had no idea what my face looked like right now, but I was sure, terror was written all over it. Zayn opens the door and I'm greeted by air conditioned air. We step into the room hand in hand while someone else shuts the door behind us. Harry was sitting on a chair, accompanied by Louis and a blondie. Harry gives me a smile and Louis gives off a little wave. Another boy was sitting on the arm of the chair, he had a mini quiff, and I noticed a certain looking spot on the middle of his neck. He was looking at me and he did not look happy. My eyes sweep the room, standing by the corner with his arms crossed was a man, and actually I think it was their body guard. He was well built and he did not look happy either. Last but not least, there in the middle of the room sat the heartless man, Simon Crowell. He was glaring at both of us with his beady eyes. I was starting at my own ambush. Lord, forgive me for my sins.

"Zayn," the big body guard greets.

"Hey, Paul," Zayn says smiling at him.

How could he possibly be smiling at a time like this, my life was at risk here! And maybe his too, but that didn't matter at the moment.


I turn to see Simon has spoken and my heart beats even faster. Uh-oh.

"Simon," Zayn greets.

And this time, he wasn't wearing a smile.

"Zayn," Simon repeats. "You are in hot water here."

"It's not his fault!" Harry screams.

"Harry love, please do not interrupt," Simon bleakly says.

He didn't sound angry either but instead he sounded like a robot, which was creepy. I was shifting my legs and Zayn gave a squeeze in my hand. Yeah, like that was going to help me. Actually it was, because Zayn was gripping my hand tight, making blood circulation stop. I didn't mind, because if he wasn't holding my hand, I would've ran by now. So, I had to thank Zayn later on.

"Well, im just stating the truth," Harry says and looks at me. "It's not their fault. Perrie was being a bit—"

"I think that's enough," Simon glares at him.

Harry looks down embarrassed and the mini quiff dude pats his head. Aw, Harry was defending us. That was so sweet. I had to thank him too.

"Now, Zayn, since you did what you did, it's all over. So, UK Now! Wants a interview with you and the lads," Simon says.

Simon looks at me and I swear, I could feel hate coming out of his eyes. But I stand my guard. I wasn't going to flee, I did nothing wrong. I was merely Zayn's stripper and now because I had to save his ass and his band members, I had to play along.

"Bring her, along too," Simon said pointing at me.

I turn to look at Zayn who nods. What!!!??? I couldn't do an interview! Strippers don't do interviews!

"She has a name, Simon."

I stare at Louis who gave me a wink and turn to Simon. "Her name is Syreena, and she likes carrots just like me!"

I couldn't help but crack a grin. Louis was so random. The blondie laughs a throaty laugh, which seemed to turn me on. It was so manly.

"You like carrots too?" Blondie turns and asks me. He was grinning at me, his cheeks red.

I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded.

"Hah!" Louis exclaims. "I told you so." Louis does this Z form snap and I bit my lips from laughing. Oh Louis, I kind of liked him, since he was directing the attention away from me and Zayn.

"Stop it!" Simon claps both hands on the wood desk making a huge sound.

I jump back and Zayn's grip on my hands become even tighter. I purse my lips from screaming, my hand was hurting. Louis and Niall look astonished and shut up. Others in the room look surprised as well. Well, I was seeing the true colors of Simon Crowell right in front of my eyes. I think I was going to pee in my pants. The body guard walks over to him and pats his shoulder, an attempt to calm him down. Simon took a breather and then looked at us.

"Zayn," he says sounding close to breaking. "I did not have a good day, I heard Perrie's side of the story and now I want to listen to yours. Then, we'll decide what action we have to take."

Zayn nods and he didn't look scared at all. Damn, he had some guts.

"But," Simon says. "I want..."

"Syreena," Zayn states.

"I want Syreena gone."

Simon gives me a dull look and a little smile. "I'm sorry love, but will you wait outside?"

I didn't want to leave, but then again I wanted to. I nod my head and squeeze Zayn's hand. He lets go, and I hide my hand behind my back. Paul opens the door and gives me a smile, and I walk outside. The door shuts behind me and I glance at the door. I hope Zayn was alright. I move my hand from my back and stare at it. it was pink and looked like it was squeezed to a pulp. Zayn was scared, just like me. And there he was, on the other side, defending me and himself. I smile and massage my hands, hoping the circulation will come back. I wanted to know what was going behind the door, so being curious, I smudge my ear against the door. Damn, I heard nothing. I lean back and just stand there. What was I supposed to do now? I glance at the hallway; there was nothing to sit on. So, I walk across the hallway, bend down, and sit on the floor. It was better than nothing. I sat cross legged and just stared at the door like a freak. What should I do now? I could text Harry, he was inside, but no; that would seem rude. So what to do?

A/N; Check out the song on the side, I thought it was One Direction, especially Zayn and Liam. 

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