M's Stripper [18]

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I had no idea what was going on behind the door. I didn't even hear a noise. Not a scream, a holler, or a yell. Which was good, meaning everything was going well inside. I glance at my phone which was resting on my lap, it was 10:00. I've been waiting here for the past one hour. One freaking hour! At least someone could've offered me a beverage, rude people. I lean my head back against the wall and play with the split ends of my hair. I had to get it cut. I've been trying to kill time by playing Angry Birds and checking out the photos stored in my phone. Those later on got boring so I switched to internet and went to twitter. Well, it looked like, Zayn and I were trending as number one and I just shut off the app. I needed something else to distract me, cause I was tired of Zayn and me. I give a yawn and my stomach growls. I was hungry and I just couldn't get up and leave, it would seem rude and Simon already hated me so I didn't want to push him further. I stand up and shake up legs which crack. Then, I see the handle on the door turning and I hold my breath. Zayn was the first one to walk out and he was laughing accompanied by blondie and mini quiff. I suppose things went well. Louis Harry came out next wearing big grins. Lastly, Simon and Paul get out, and guess what? They were too laughing. Watching Simon laugh was weird, since I thought the man had no emotion but anger in him.

"Syreena!" Zayn shouts and hugs me.

Right, we have to play. I hug him back and he leans in to give me a peck on the lips.

"Argg! PDA!" Louis screams and hides his face in Harry's chest.

Simon laughs and I just stare at him. I didn't mean to stare but it was so creepy. He was the one who hated on everything and everyone so seeing him like this was seeing Adam Levine naked. Now, that was the sight I wanted to see.

"Well then!" Simon booms clapping his hands. "Let's go Nando's and eat."

"Yay!" Blondie cheers.

Now this was even scarier, having dinner with Simon Crowell. Zayn's arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me inside. He gives me a grin and I just nod, I was still scared. We walk out of the building and stop at the parking lot.

"Alright, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall go with Zayn," Simon instructs. "Syreena will go with me."

WHAT!!?? I gape at Simon who is smiling down at me. Well, goodbye life and my unfertilized ovary eggs. Simon was surely was going to murder me in the car and drop my dead body to the hospital making it look like accident. I gape at Zayn who looks thoughtful.

"Simon, I think that will be unwise," Zayn tells Simon.

"Oh no," Simon waves his hand. "We can get to know each other."

Simon smiles and walks to his car, motioning me forward.

"Listen," Zayn speaks fast. "I'm going to send Paul with you, okay?"

I don't answer.

"Okay, Syreena?" Zayn questions.

I nod and Zayn plants a chaste kiss on my lips. That startled me and broke me out of my Simon Murdering Me trance.

"Okay?" Zayn repeats, letting me go.

"Okay," I nod to him and smile.

"Come on Zayn!" Harry yells.

"Simon won't kill you, I promise, okay?" Zayn walks away saying. "Paul is going."

I nod and wave to him. I gulp and start my walk towards Simon's car. No need to fear, things seemed to go well. And anyway, Paul was coming, right?


I turn around to see Zayn calling me. Zayn had his pilot door opened and was wearing a grin.

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