M's Stripper [13]

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I gape at the boy who was happily munching on carrots and smiling at us. I turn to Zayn who didn't have shock written over his face but instead understanding.

"Meaning the other lads know?" Zayn questions turning to Harry.

"They know," Harry nods.

I stare at Harry and bite my lips. I hope they didn't know I was a stripper, I mean that would totally just ruin the wonderful plan. Harry gives me a smile and his knowing wink, meaning he kept my dirty little secret. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"What are you two smiling about?" Louis questions pointing at me and Harry. "I want to smile too!"

Louis whines and stomps his feet and I stifled a laugh. Louis just looks at me and I stop laughing, but then Zayn and Harry start laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask them.

"Nothing," Zayn says. "We should get going, so bye lads. I'll see you tomorrow at the studio."

"Bye," Harry tells us and smiles.

"Bye Syreena!" Louis hollers at me and smiles.

I wave back and limp towards the door. It was odd how Louis was being nice to me all of a sudden and I was certain he was crazy. In a good way, of course. Zayn pushes the button and I turn to see Louis waving at us. I wave and the elevator door slides open. Zayn presses the 'open' button so I could limp inside.

"Want me to carry you again?" Zayn questions me. "It's a long walk."

I shake my head and wince in pain. My knee was throbbing and when Harry cleaned my wound, I could actually see the flesh and meat. I shook my head trying to get rid of the images. I may be studying to become a doctor, but things like that freaked me out. I look to see we were on the 15th floor and find myself being stared by Zayn.

"What?" I blurt.

"Nothing," Zayn shakes his head presses his lips together.

Okay. We wait for the elevator to open and when it does, Zayn holds his hands out so the door won't close on me. I limp towards the lobby and my leg was throbbing with every step. I grit my teeth against the pain and then suddenly, I feel myself being hoisted up and cradled, bridal style. I stare in surprise at Zayn who is smiling down at me.

"I'm not going to let my girlfriend be in pain, am I?" Zayn questions and winks.

I don't answer but move my face away, and I smiled. I don't know why, but I smiled which was totally not right. We walk out of the building with the watchmen staring at us queerly. I put my hood up and cross my arms so I won't be noticed, at least not by paparazzi. Zayn kept walking and I don't question him or ask. I was actually enjoying being carried around and I close my eyes.


"I'm awake," I blurt and open my eyes.

I was now looking at my door with Zayn starting down at me.

"Keys?" He asks.

I nod and he gently sets me down and I dig into my pocket retrieving my keys out. I put it inside the lock and unlock the door. I limp inside and hear Zayn's footsteps behind me. I place my keys on a hook and set myself comfortably on the couch. Zayn sits next to me and grins at me.

"Why do you keep smiling at me like that?" I ask him.

"What, I can't smile?" Zayn sounds offended.

"No," I purse my lips. "You can't."

Zayn chuckles and swings his legs so it's resting on my lap. I glare at him and he shrugs with a big grin on his face. I roll my eyes and grab my phone out and a text makes me freeze.

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