M's Stripper [39]

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Right now I was sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching my bathrobe, and glaring at Zayn. I was fuming inside; I mean I wanted to hit him. Not verbally abuse him but pull his hair and scream at his fucking face for fucking ruining my fucking life. Yup, I really wanted to hurt him. Zayn was lazily watching TV actually he was flipping channels around and had his legs lazily draped over the bed. I glare at him once again. Why couldn't he just leave? After kissing me and sweetly whispering revenge in my ear he got up from the tub and ordered some kind of fruity wine. I didn't drink it, someone needed to be the sane one.

"What is your problem Zayn?" I spat him.

Zayn turns around and gives me a lazy smile. He shrugs his shoulders and turns around to flick through the channels once again. I grumble and Zayn turns around shutting off the TV.

"What is your problem, Syreena?"  Zayn questions and smirks.

"You," I simply answer and turn my gaze away from him.

I hear the bed quiver beneath me and when I turn around, Zayn is all over my face. He smelt really good and I felt like those girls in those AXE ads. I lean a little closer and Zayn pins my arms against the head board and cups my chin so my mouth just near Zayn's. Our mouth was so close, but Zayn just smiles and kisses my cheek and brushes his mouth against my jaw and then pulls back. He cocks his head to the side and looks at me with a seductive smile.

"Wanna know my problem is?" Zayn asks with amusement.

I don't answer but try to control my breathing.

"I want sex tonight," Zayn smirks.

My breathing rate hitches and my heart starts beating even faster, I swear I could feel him coursing through my blood. Not a good thing. Zayn leans against my shoulders and ruffles my hair.

"Will you let me make love to you?" Zayn purrs against my ear.

Yes, my inner sex god answered yes but no, I will make him pay.

"No," I answer with all my might.

Zayn stokes my neck. "Wanna play a game?"

Oh shit, I knew what he was going to do. Playing meant some weird sex shit.

"No," I breathe.

Zayn blows a breath on my neck shooting tingles all over my body. He bites the side of my neck and it was so sexy.

"You should definitely stop," I breathe.

"Stop here or here," Zayn whispers as his mouth goes from my shoulders to my neck. He was nibbling as he was moving forward.

My eyes were rolling to my head and I was sure I gave a sigh-moan because it felt so good. Zayn's stubble was grazing against my skin and it was tickling me. My hands were on Zayn's stomach and it was very hard. We were so close, and his stomach was the only boundary line that separated us. Zayn's hand was on my back and his hand moved to the robe and tugged on the rope.

"Stop it."

"I thought you wanted this," Zayn wrinkles his forehead.

"When did you hear me say that?" I ask furiously.

Zayn shrugs and he gives a lazy grin. "In my head."

"Well, you have one messed up head," I glare.

Zayn nods and gives off a slight smile. "It's filthy as fuck."

I don't answer; instead I get off the bed and adjust the bathrobe. Zayn sits where I previously sat before and puts arms around his head. "So, how's life?"

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