M's Stripper [28]

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I gave up on calling Syreena. She wasn't a dog; she would find herself back home. But I was worried, who wouldn't be worried? Syreena just left Eleanor's place like that and Louis suggested that they go out and look for Syreena as well. I quickly denied the offer, I was sure Syreena was in no mood to be found. Instead, I kept walking down the curb. I didn't want to go back to Eleanor's house and keep them worried. So I fished my phone out and texted Louis that I found Syreena by a small park. They shouldn't be worried about us. A second later I get a text saying that 'don't screw up Zayn.' Wow, they knew me so well. I put my phone back onto my pocket and just walk around. I was thankful it was dark now so no one could see me in covered in paint. I felt itchy which was due to the paint that was hardening on my skin. But that didn't matter now; right now I was worried for Syreena. Where could she be? I didn't want to call her because I could be bothering the other residences who live on the streets. So, I just kept on walking, wondering how far my feet could carry me. And all on my mind was apologizes to Syreena, I ruined her. I was feeling so ashamed of myself and to what I did to Syreena. Syreena was a stripper, yes I hired her, but I didn't think this would go far. The first couple of weeks when Syreena stripped for me, she wouldn't even let me touch her. I kind of thought that was stupid and I felt annoyed because I also called her over for sex. But after a while, she became comfortable around me and I took her down. Simple as that. But I didn't know that Syreena would become an obsession to me. I couldn't go one day without this girl and it drove me nuts. And on top that, I put her on an emotional ride that I wouldn't be able to go on.

Firstly, Syreena had to take crap my bitchy ex, Perrie. Also, Syreena took huge loads of crap from the lads, especially with Louis. Then, I was sure Simon said another shit full of crap to her when they were in the car together and from her boss too. And let's not forget, me. Syreena heard so much shit from me. I yell at her, I torture her when I don't get my way, and then suddenly I act like I'm fine. Syreena took so much and she hasn't broken yet. Syreena was strong, emotionally and mentally. She had to be and if she wasn't, she would've never taken that job as a stripper. It takes women guts to strip in front of cheap men, including me. I totally destroyed Syreena, and I told her before to stop being a stripper. But she had her reasons to disagree and I took advantage of that. I wanted to cry, I was a sensitive person. Since my childhood, I grew up with women around, my family didn't have much boys. So I knew how girls felt at some point, but I didn't care for Syreena. She was just a stripper nothing else. But who would've known that this stripper would mean so much to me. Who would've known that whenever I made love to the stripper every touch, every kiss was real? I sure didn't, until today. I kicked a little rock with the tip of my shoes and it flew a couple distances away. I wish I was the rock, so I could just fly or lay down in one place. I roughly stuff my hands in my pockets and hitch up my shoulders, I just wanted to melt and disappear. A slight breeze came and it smelled like rain water meaning a lake was nearby. I walk towards the direction the wind came from and find myself standing near a swing set. I feel the smooth and rough stand of the swing set and decide to sit on one. It's been long since I sat on a swing. I walk over to the swing and sit there, hopping the swing wouldn't break due to my size. Thankfully it doesn't so I kick my legs back and forth just for the hell of it. I was lost, my thoughts were all foggy and bashing each other. I didn't know anything from right to wrong. I gently push myself liking the breeze hit my face and while I was swinging, I swore I could've seen a dark shadow sitting beside a tree. What the hell was that? I stop, making sure not to make a sound. I needed someone to talk to and my gut told me that was Syreena. Oh, how I wish it was her. I get up and start creeping towards that person and then I was standing a like maybe a foot away when I recognized the hair. It seemed crusty and very messy, it was Syreena. I don't say anything; instead I sit next to her and hug my knees towards my chest just like she did. I don't think she noticed or maybe she did notice but she didn't seem to care, what was there to care about anyway. I used her and she let herself be used. We sit there for quite a while not saying anything and then I start rocking back and forth, getting impatient.

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