M's Stripper [25]

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Syreena was on my chest and the feeling between us was just plain awesome. The sex I was having with her was perfect and intense. And then everything changed, I was running with Louis behind me screaming, "THE ALIENS ARE COMING!" I trip like those people do in the horror movies and some kind of shadow comes over me and I look up in horror. It was those things from Predators and it was going to chew off my beautiful face.

"NO!" I scream and cover my face with my hands and sit up abruptly.

Holy shit that was some dream. I wiped the sweat from my face with my shirt and then saw a looming shadow tower over me.

"NO!" I scream again and hid my face with my hands.


What? Predators laugh? Since when? I peek a bit with my hands and see Syreena laughing her head off. I wasn't sure what I was seeing so I took my hands off my face and got a clear view of Syreena laughing at me.

"Oh my god!" Syreena breathes in between laughs. "The... aliens are coming!" She frails her arms over head just like Louis did in my dreams and fell to the bed cracking up.

"Very funny," I joke and feel embarrassed.

I duck my head in my arms hoping I could just sink. I talk in my sleep; the lads would embarrass me about it all the time. But it was from time to time, when I'm really stressed or scared I start talking. So I was scared right now because what if I blurted out the sex dream I had. I turn fully around so I could see Syreena. She sees me and laughs even harder. I scowl at her and she starts coughing, probably trying to hide the laugh.

"Done?" I purse my lips questioning.

Syreena nods but then laughter erupts through her lips and she brings her arm up, covering her laughter with that. After several seconds, Syreena nods her head, but she was trying very hard not to laugh. Syreena kept biting her lips and I just wanted to kiss her there.

"I'm done," Syreena says with a big grin.

I glare at her and she was trying very hard to control her laughter so she got a pillow and smashed it to her face. I could hear the muffled laughter and now I was getting pissed.

"Syreena!" I yell. "My fucking god, what's so funny?!" I demand.

This makes Syreena laugh even harder and she presses the pillow closer to her mouth. I could see her eyes though and they were closed.

 "SYREENA!" I yell and yank the pillow off her mouth.

"Ye—yes?" Syreena manages to question.

She coughs a bit and then turns to look at me. "I'm good."

I shot a killer look and throw the pillow that I had in my hands to her face and jumped off the bed.

"HEY!" Syreena exclaims. "That was not nice!"

"Neither is laughing at my dreams!" I yell and slammed her bedroom door.

No, I didn't like her now, I hated her. What the hell, I mean who laughs at someone's dream like that. From behind I could hear the bedroom door open and a running of footsteps. I turn around and I'm smashed against Syreena's body.

"WAH!" I stumble with Syreena holding my neck.

We fall on the couch together with Syreena on top. She brushes her hair out of her face and blows a raspberry at me. I glare at her and scowl.

Syreena laughs and smiles. "I'm sorry," she starts saying. "But you just had to see your face when you started yelling, 'No, not my face!'" She did and awful impression of my voice which made me smile. "I was trying very hard not to wake you up by laughing, which I was. And, at first I thought you were having some kind of spasm attack." She looks at my eyes. "Don't ever do that again."

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