M.'s Stripper [2]

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“Who might you be?” A Blondie asks me.

“Uh….” I trail off, not sure to what I have to say.

“She’s one of Harry’s girls,” I hear Zayn say behind me.

Harry’s girls? What?

“Yeah, she just came to drop something off,” I hear Harry defend Zayn.

I stare at the three guys blocking the door way. One was blonde, the other had little curls of dark brown hair, and the boy had flat hair with blue eyes. I had to get going, since I had a show in over about an hour.

“Well hello there,” the flat haired boy says.

I give a quick nod and edge myself away from the door and walking really fast to the elevators. I press the button and I could tell the three boys were starting at my back. I was glad Zayn made up a quick story or else I would’ve been dead. The only reason Zayn didn’t want his band members to know was it was something he wasn’t proud of. That’s right, Zayn Malik wasn’t all that proud of me. Expect today, I met one of his band members, Harry. The boy who gave my breast a squeeze and enjoyed me being there. The elevator door slides open and I enter inside, my heels making a ‘clack’ sound. The door closes and I relax and stare at myself in the mirror. I was pretty, I had to be. I had strong and sexy features. Long strong nose, wide lips, big lashed eyes, and I was tall. Everything a stripper needed to have besides the firm toned body. I felt my phone buzz so I take it out of my purse and glance at the caller ID. It was from my boss, Blaze. I answer and press the phone to my ears.

“Blaze, I’ll be right there,” I tell him over the phone.

“Hurry up Angel, the guys are going crazy for you.”

I shut off my phone and walk out of the elevator and into the streets. I hail a cab over and tell him to bring me to Mullberry Street. I watch the familiar sights and the car stops in front of a four story building. Ii hand the driver the money and walk inside the building. From the outside, no one could tell this was a strip club. It looked like an ordinary building in the morning, but became the hottest spot in London by night. I walked in and was greeted by Rose, one of the many famous strippers in the building. I turn to a corner and enter a room that had my name plate hanging on the door.

“Angel, you’re here! Finally, let’s get you changed. You’re going to be up.”

I am ushered into a bathroom and a play suit is handed to me. I take of my clothes and quickly wear the dress. I get out of the bathroom and my boss, Blaze gives me a once over.

“You look absolutely salivating,” Blaze compliments and gives a light smack on my butt. “Kill them Angel.”

Blaze goes out of the room and I slip in my glass heels that had a tip box on the heels. It was pretty cool looking. I walk over to the full length mirror and scan my reflection. I was a perfect build, nice big round boobs, a great ass, long legs and a good looking face. I was sweating off my makeup so I put on some fake lashes and eye shadow. I was going to sweat anyways, so there was no point in putting on foundation. I put red lipstick on my lips and purse them. I put on some sort of tanning oil all over the visible parts of my body which gave me a wet and wild look. I run some on my face and give a reassuring nod to the mirror. I walk out of the door in a sexy model strut and hear the shouts of my name, Angel.  I grin and strut out to the platform. The men go crazy and howl. I walk over to the pole and stand there with my hands on my hips and walk over to the edge and let the men get a good look. I bend down in front of them, making sure my cleavage was showing. The man in front of me starts howling and stuffs some money down my shirt. I blow him a kiss and get up heading over to the pole. I start sliding up and down the pole earning some loud cheers and money being thrown. I get down on the floor, picking up the money and whip my head back, trying to get the hair away from my face.

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now