M's Stripper [26]

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 And for the rest, enjoy (; Oh and the word "Vagina" sounds like a disease to me xD so I shall just call it, butterfly. Oh and the word "penis" just sounds wrong so I'll just call it a length. Lmao, I am so messed up.



I'm embraced by Eleanor and I happily hug her back.

"Ellie! It's so good to see you!"

We pull back and smile and Eleanor's eyes go to Syreena.

"Hi," Syreena chirps and smiles.

"Hi!" Eleanor says and pulls her in for a hug.

Syreena seemed surprised, but she hugged back and pulled back with a grin.

"You guys look so cute together!" Eleanor gushed.

I looked down and saw Syreena smile.

"Let them in, Ellie darling so we could get this over with!"

It was Louis and he was complaining as usual.

"How do you survive?" I joke as she lets us in the house.

"I have no idea," Eleanor shakes her head and laughs. "He's a man with a child's heart."

"I heard that!" Louis shrieks.

He comes to the door way and was holding one of those large paint rollers. Louis was covered in paint, head to toe. Which was not surprising at all, it was Louis.

"Hey Syreena!" Louis greets and comes in for a hug.

Syreena backs up. "I'm fine and hi."

"Oh come on!" Louis rolls his eyes. "You're going to get messy anyway so let me help.."

Louis hugs Syreena tightly while Syreena looked wide eyed and laughed. "Thanks so much Louis."

Louis pulls back with a mischievous grin. "Happy to help."

Louis waggles his eyebrows at me and smirks and kisses Eleanor on the cheek and walks off.

"You have a lot to handle," Syreena says watching Louis attack Harry.

"You have no idea," Eleanor agrees.

Well, at least the girls we're getting along together. Eleanor hands me those big rolls and Syreena a paint brush and we're set to work. While working, we had a paint war which was started by Louis and Syreena which caught on with all of us. So by the time we were done with half the house, we were all tired and dripping in paint.

"Syreena!" Harry calls. "Massage my legs."

"Sure thing," Syreena laughs with a mischievous smile.

She walks over to Harry and sits on his legs instead while he cries in sudden pain. "I SAID MASSAGE WOMAN!"

"Take it or leave it," Syreena says runs a painted hand through her hair. She grins at me and starts scraping off the dried paint on her hands.

"I WANT FOOD!" Niall shouts.

"Shut up," Louis comments grumpy and starts painting his own hand.

"There's more to paint," Liam tells me.

"I thought you did the top floors with Niall," I say.

"No," Liam shakes his head. "Niall was busy painting himself with Louis. I did it alone and it's not even finished."

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now