M's Stripper [40]

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"What do you mean she's pregnant!? What the fuck did you do to her Louis!?"

Zayn was holding Louis by the collar of his shirt and shrieking at his face. Louis looked pissed and aggravated, and any minute a fight would break out.

"Zayn let him go!" Niall yells and tugs on Zayn's arms, freeing his grasp on Louis.

"Zayn man, calm down," Harry says and takes Zayn by the arm, sitting him down on those hospital couches.

I was sitting and stunned by everything. The car ride here was fast and caused Zayn to get a speeding ticket which he didn't take, meaning the cops cut out points from his driver's license. But I don't he cared. I glance up at the boys who were sitting down, and Zayn glaring at the floor. Louis had his hand in his face, Harry was standing up looking grim, and Niall had puffy red eyes. Liam was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Liam?" I question.

The boys give a shrug and I stand up. I couldn't take this silence no more. I was wearing what I wore to the signing, cami sweater and shorts. I get up from those plush couches and leave the family waiting room. Harry looks at me and gives me a tiny smile, I smile back. I start roaming the hallways and corridors of the hospital and I felt a pang. Last time I was here was when my parents died. I saw their body covered in a white bed sheet. I shake my head trying to get rid of the image; a hospital was a sad place not a place to put stickers on the walls and posters of smiling people.  The smell was too sterile and it burnt in my nose. As I was walking, I peeked through one of the opened doors and I saw Eleanor on those hospital beds and her legs spread wide open.

"El?" I walk into the room.

She looks at me and her face breaks into a smile. "SYREENA!"

I rush to her and squeeze her arms. "Oh my gosh, El, you're..."

"Pregnant," she finishes.

I squeal. "I know."

She points at a screen beside her and when I look at it, my eyes go wide. It was black and white, the screen and it showed movement. I wasn't dumb, I knew it was a baby in the making, but I turned to Eleanor puzzled. She smiles and pats her stomach.

"Its freaky, but in a good way," Eleanor tells me and wipes her face.

She was crying.

"Are you...crying?"

"When you find you're going to have a kid, you'll cry," Eleanor says to me. "Happy tears."

I was about to speak when someone enters the room. I look up and I was positively sure it was not a doctor.

"Eleanor! My baby, what has he done to you!?" The woman wails and then stops to stare at the screen.

I glance at her and it was Eleanor's mother. She was tall, average, brown black hair, and kind of resembled Eleanor. Eleanor tries to calm down her mother.

"Mum, listen please..."

It was hopeless, Eleanor's mother was not hearing. She turned and stared at me with hard eyes. She grabs my hands and wheels me out of the room to the family room, hearing Eleanor's protest behind me. She stops me in front of the family room which was occupied by boys and a man, Eleanor's father. Everyone stands up and the grip on my arm was starting to hurt me.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

"Just like her," the woman says and then points to Louis. "You ruined my daughter!"

Just like her? What was that supposed to mean?

"Honey, let the girl go," Eleanor's dad says and walks towards us.

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