Its called Hope.

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Dear Self and to whoever is reading this,

 You see, everybody needs hope. These days people are mean, jerks, and nasty whores who would love to see you hurt, so I’m writing this letter to rain some hope into my life and into yours. People may find this weird but hey, I am weird and I’m not afraid to show it, so suck on that!

I can’t always guarantee that I will make everyone smile, but I try though. I’m the girl who cracks perverted sex jokes and calls everyone by nicknames because I’m too lazy calling them by their real name. I crack myself up and others around me because seeing them laugh makes me laugh and brings me joy. But these days, I’ve been down in the dumps. I moved to a new place, left my best friends whom I’ve known for eight years and everything else. So, I have a reason to be upset. But these days, whenever a person finds someone upset, they target on them. They laugh at you, make fun of you, and taunt you, because they have nothing else better to do. They need to make themselves feel superior and they gain it by being shallow. I’ve seen it happen two days ago and I wasn’t going to let some bitches make someone feel down in front of me. So, I went up and stood up for her and you wouldn’t believe the words that were being spat at my face just because of helping someone. I didn’t say anything though, there’s no point of fighting with someone who is going to waste your time. But, I did want to curse them out and claw their faces out but in the end it was going to be me who would get in trouble so that plan was out. Instead I just stood there and heard the words and believe it or not, I wanted to cry. I’ve never been bullied or anything like that because I tried to be friends with everyone. But hearing those words made me feel real bad and you know how people say they can relate to their problems? They actually cant because they’ve never gone through it. But this time, I can actually relate to the whole being bullied thing.

So after they were done throwing and shoving words at my face, the girl behind me, and her name is Summer and right now she’s sitting beside me watching me write this letter; she cried. I mean who wouldn’t cry after hearing those words and you know what’s so messed up? She was being called ‘a perfect bitch’ and ‘friendly whore’ because she was pretty. Summer, is a freaking supermodel. I swear she has the looks and her eyes are green! Lucky bitch, look I made her laugh at that. (: It’s just so wrong and messed up, I mean when I plan on to take over the world, I’ll make sure those low life humans get shipped off to the mars. I’m just trying to say is that, I know how you feel. I know what goes through your minds, well maybe I don’t but you’re not alone. We’re teenagers, our life is supposed to be fucked up but remember after a hurricane, a rainbow comes and that will come. And now a day’s people only care about how they look and how they can seduce a dude, I mean I maybe old fashioned but what happened to succeeding in life and finding the man of your dreams? Life isn’t always about who does this or does what, people will say crap about you whether you do well or bad, but what I suggest is forget it all. Don’t give a fuck about what they say because you’re the one making the decisions, not others. This is your life and you control it.

Okay and this is for the people who find it fun to make fun of people and always think negative about everything. You people have no right to put us down because you’re putting yourself down. Would it hurt to be nice? I mean, will you get shot or will your so called friends stop talking to you? So stop playing mean and start raining some light into your life, it wouldn’t hurt.

I am not lecturing you and you don’t have to listen, it’s a free country. But I wrote this for me, Summer, and for all the insecure people out there. Looks isn’t everything, I’m not pretty. I’m just a red head who writes for the fun of it, hoping someone will listen and read her shit. All of you guys, you guys are all worth it, you guys are all special in your own way, and never ever give up. I have, but my brothers and my friends pulled me up to my feet. And for all the mistakes that have been made, that’s the past. Forget about it. Every morning we should feel blessed we’re alive to see another day and not dead. I suggest everyone to be thankful, there’s the less unfortunates’ who can’t do anything. So when you think about that, you should be happy that you eyes, ears, hands, and can smile a breath taking smile that stops the Earth for a second. So cherish the days you have, you guys are young don’t waste it. Live your life and don’t let anyone bring you down. And if they do, you can tell me, I will make sure you stand right back up to fight once again because life isn’t easy, it’s not meant to be easy, but we have to live it.

So…….. yeah deep stuff I know. I may get some haters now and people might think what was the point of all this, was it to get you more fans? Nope, it was meant for me and for the people who actually get it. It was meant for the awesome friends I’ve made here, it was meant for every moment and every day we fight and get hurt. And it was meant for Summer who is now one of the special people I won’t forget about. I told her to make a Wattpad, and she writes awesome stories. I told her to write something about One Direction and she came up with this master piece! She’ll post it up and remember, you’re special, beautiful, awesome, gorgeous, and the best of all the reason why some people are alive. You guys may have no idea how much people look up to you, so that’s an achievement. Live your life, and remember life isn’t always about love, sex, drugs. We’ll find our special someone, don’t worry about it. And now everyone has to be a non-virgin to be considered cool, like what the fuck? Who made that rule up? And fuck them all, you only live once, use that well. And when you smile, the universe is brought back from the brick of destruction.

And the best advice, I can give you is just keep moving forward and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks. Just do what you have to do for you.

One last thing,

Someone will always be prettier

Someone will always be smarter

Someone will always be always be younger

But they will never be you.

                                                  -Kanye West.

So hate on me if you want, people nowadays hate on anything that’s logical or illogical, but whatever. I don’t need your shit. I got myself of esteem back just by writing this and I will post it up. I love each and every one of you and if you’re feeling down or whatever, you could always come talk to me. I think I’m sounding creepy but what the hell xD its what I do. (:

So keep calm and wiggle wiggle wiggle. (;


P.S. If you don’t mean what you say, then shut the fuck up.

P.P.S. My insecurities could eat me alive, so remember you’re not the only one.


I ADORE you, you crazy, gorgeous, WONDERFUL, but also sometimes quite weird but still very LOVELY person. (:

Some dude wrote this to me, and I have no idea who. ;o But I’m sure it’s a dude, that’s what I believe but this goes out to each and every one of you, I adore each and one of you, you guys are just amazeballs and you guys keep me smiling. (: SO keep being your amazing self! <33


Thanks mystery dude, that little comment written on my back pack meant a lot. And I’ll hunt you down and buy you a cookie (: Because I have no fucking money on me right now, I’m broke. D’;

Okay, I’m done. Bye! (: WAIT! I am kind of working for a radio station, kind of, so the dude, who wanted to hire me, Chris Burks, launched a brand new campaign, SAY NO TO PANPIPE. If your hear a pan pipped version of your favorite song in your mall or anywhere, I need you to comment, tell me, and we’ll shame them. Chris Burks said I quote, ‘If you could get an international base of pan pipped songs, then I shall hire you if you buy me a cookie.’ So from my perspective, I think my boss is going to be cool :D okay I’m done. Buh Bye people, you guys are AMAZEBALLS! (:

 BTW, covers anyone? wanna make me one? Please!!?? and i shall choose the best one.

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