M's Stripper [32]

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"Where you going Syreena?"

I knew exactly who it was, Zayn and he sounded pissed.

"Why do you care and how the hell did you get my number?" I hiss and sweep my head sideways so no one could listen to me yelling at him through the phone.

"Syreena, I could get anything I want," Zayn says with a grim voice.

I gape.

"You stalked me?!" I raise my voice an octave higher.

Zayn laughs. "Not very hard and like I said, I could get anything I want."

I glare at the floor, he was being arrogant.

"Fuck off Malik," I say angrily and I hang up.

Shit, I shouldn't have done that, Zayn would find me and then hurt me...again. Well, I wasn't going to take it, I've had enough of him and his mood swings. I will not take his shit but then again, it was Zayn. I missed him, ish. My eyes go wide and my inner me slaps me. While my heart flutters thinking about Zayn's touches. Skin against skin. I bite my lip, I still felt for him, sexually. Not in the way Zayn felt and I hope he forgot about me. I could not handle Zayn right now, my life was already hectic. I do not need a Zayn Malik on it either. Huffing a sigh, I grab my handbag and check the time in my titan wrist watch, it was 4:00. Great, more time to kill with studies. Sometimes I wished I could just blow my teachers head off but I wanted to achieve. I walk out of my desk and wave strawberry blonde at the reception. I walk out of the building head over to my condo which was pretty close to my office. I grin, 'office.'

I got my job at the publishing office by accident more like randomly. I was just roaming around when I saw the office and being stupid, I went in and sat at the plush black leather chairs when my oh so sexy boss came up to me and interviewed me. The questions were surprisingly easy, too easy and on that day, I got my job, got a condo, and stared doing college instead hiring a tutor. So sometimes I wonder, did I boss make the questions easy on purpose? But if he did, then I was doing a wonderful job at work and I was the youngest worker there. Another plus side. I was actually progressing from my strip life to someone I wanted to be. I walk into my lobby and greet the watchman who salutes me in response. I walk into the elevator and run a hand through my waved hair. Oh Zayn, why the fuck did you have to ruin my life now? When I'm in the highest peak of my life. I shake my head in aggravation; I was not going to let him ruin me. I am tired of him. Who cares if his One Direction? It's surprising, people in the celebrity life don't turn up well and I was 100% sure, Zayn wouldn't turn up right. Or maybe he would, who knew. I wasn't going to interfere nor was I going to let him.

"Syreena do you know what you're going to wear?"

I was sitting in the couch looking up at Desire who was rummaging through my closet.

"You are going to clean up the mess," I warn Desire. "I like my house nice and neat."

"Oh shut up," Desire rolls her eyes and she takes out a black short outfit. She eyes it and does a fan girl gasp, meaning she likes it and I would have to wear it.

"No," I press my lips.

"Then why did you buy it!" Desire yells. "Wear it."

"Do I have to?" I whine like a child. "Can't I wear some jeans? Like casual chic?"

Desire glares at me and huffs putting her hands up in the air. "Fine. Gosh, how did Zayn handle you?"

I stop and Desire gasps. She knew it was a touchy topic. I mean she is currently my bestie. From stripper life to me now achieving something.

"Sorry," Desire says. "Didn't mean to."

I shrug. "Doesn't matter and guess what? I saw Malik boy today and he brought me a car."

"WHAT!?" Desire yells. "WHEN, WHERE AND WHY? Spill the freaking beans woman."

I laugh and tell her about my encounter with pretty boy and my boss which Desire freaking drools over. They would make a match and he could get off my back. Desire and I agree on some sexy pants and a nice blouse, casual and nothing revealing looking.

"Have fun," Desire tells me and then turns serious. "Not too much fun."

I laugh. "Yes mother."

"Now that's a good girl," Desire teases.

I roll my eyes, grab my hand purse, and walk out of the door.

"Hey, look who's here!"

I smile and head over to the table filled with the office staff.

"Hey," I greet.

"Syreena," Christian greets and hands me a beer. "Drink it up!"

I grin and take the beer and take a swing. It tasted weird, a bit metallic but okay. I grin and laugh with the others, not feeling out of place. This was normal, taking beer with my staff when my boss, Christian stands next to me and smiles down at me.

"You like it?" he asks.

I take a sip of my beer. "I don't understand your question."

He smirks and nods. "Oh Syreena, I like you very much."

My eyes go wide; I hope it was the beer talking right now. He looks down at me and he raises his hand to my cheek. "A lot, very much Syreena."

Holy fucking shit. I was about push his finger away when I felt someone wrap their arms around my shoulders. I look up at Christian who looks completely surprised.

"Hello," Zayn says.

Oh fuck. I close my eyes and open them again. Why couldn't I be dreaming? Zayn's arm was loosely draping over my shoulders and his voice seemed tight.

"Um.." I stutter not finding the words. "This is my..."

"Boyfriend," Zayn finishes off the sentence.

My eyes go wide and I wanted to hit. No no! He was back to ruin my life, hasn't he done enough? Christian looks at me and I recover.

"Yeah..what he said," I manage to answer.

"Hey boss!"

My head turns to a blonde boy holding a beer cup with a foolish grin. "Let's drink it up!"

Christian looks at him and then to us.

"Nice meeting you," Christian says voice tight.

Good, go away. Zayn must've nodded his head and Christian walked away. After he was a good distance away, I threw his hands off my shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL ZAYN!" I shriek at his face.

Zayn glares at me and he looks mad. I don't give a shit; he needed to stop interfering in my space. Zayn clutches my hand and drags me out of the bar into the cool night. Oh no. He whirls me around in front of him and pins me against a wall.

"Miss me?" he breathes into my face.

A/N; This book is going to be SO twisted, not the way I wanted it to be originally. While I was eating breakfast, I stared choking on my cereal because I had this great idea for my media studies project. A jail filled with drunk addicted teens? Is it good and I want to make a sequel but then I don't want to. I mean a book like this should only happen once but then again, who knows? Give me a title for a sequel which I MAY or may NOT do. And for the people who made me lovely covers, dedications will go up to you, u wasted your hard time on it(: I'll post thee pics on the side. I love u guys and do NOT do drugs or have sex, you won't have a proper orgasm.

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