M's Stripper [5]

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"Zayn!" I yell.

No answer.

"Zayn!" I growl.

Yet again, no answer. Where was this boy? My alarm was ringing, he had to close it. I was too lazy. I slump my head back into the pillows and give a morning groan. What time was it? I roll around the bed trying to find my phone and close the annoying buzzing sound. I let my hands search for a while and finally find it inside the pillowcase. I grab it and turn the bloody alarm off and glance at the time.


It was so early and I couldn't fall back asleep. I glare at the phone.

"Stupid alarm," I tell the phone and flick it aside.

I was going nuts especially thinking that my bed and I, in case Zayn's, shared a relationship but the alarm clock had to ruin it. What a jealous whore. I give off another groan showing my confusion and hear no answer from the Bradford boy. That was weird; Zayn should've been up by now doing his hair. It took him forever just to get it right, since he always messed it up and did it again. I knew I had to get up from bed without Zayn carrying me. I slowly rise up from the bed and put my feet down and get up. I hated today already. I yawn and shuffle into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth.

I get out of the bathroom and stuff my curly hair behind my ears. Sometimes, I just wanted to cut all my hair and be bald so I didn't have to deal with the ambush waiting for me at the top of my head. Maybe, I'll let Zayn comb my hair, he does it nicely. I trudge out of the bedroom and then all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Who the hell was here to destroy my already ruined morning? I zombie walk towards the door and along the way, I see Zayn's bedroom door closed. Strange, he'd always leave it open when he slept. The doorbell rings again.

"I'm coming," I shout.

Not bothering to look through the peek hole I yank the door open.

"Good morning Harreh," I'm greeted by a happy Louis.

How did he always stay happy all the time?

"What's so good about this morning?" I say and walk away from him to the couch.

"What's got your balls in a twist?" Louis was now sitting beside me.

I stuff my head in one of the couch pillows. "My alarm clock is a bloody jealous whore."

"Come again," Louis says.

"My alarm clock is a whore," I raise my head and speak louder.

"Okay," Louis says sounding unsure.

He knew that at times like this I didn't want to speak to anyone. If someone from the outside got a look at me, they would think I was having my man-period.

"Hey, where's Zaynie?" Louis questions.

I point to his closed gray bedroom door and let out a yawn. I was going to be cranky the whole day today, no doubt. Louis gets up and heads towards the door. Louis walks over to the gray steel door and opens it.  I bet he was peering inside now.


What? Why did Louis say 'oh my god?' I crank my head so I could get a better visual of Louis, instead I see his sassy butt.

"ZAYN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" I hear Louis shriek.

I was ignoring Louis now because firstly, Louis would always scream trying to wake us up and secondly, I was way too lazy. So, I didn't care.


That was Zayn and he sounded all surprised. Why did he sound all surprised? I mean we've been living together for about 2 years now, so we knew Louis's tactics of waking us up. Mostly Zayn since it took us forever to wake him up. Only Liam seemed to know how to wake our pretty boy up; only if I known his secrets. I get up from the couch and walk over to Zayn's bedroom. I was taller than Louis so I got a clear view of Zayn's bedroom from the side of his head. I walk closer to I could get a closer look and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Syreena! Syreena was there starting back at us horrified with her clear nut brown eyes. What was she doing here?! Why the hell was she here?! I look back to Zayn who was masking the same horrified expression as Syreena and he was bare chested. I glance at Syreena again and see her jeans thrown on the floor and she was just wearing a t-shirt. My brain registered everything before my eyes did. Syreena was Zayn's personal stripper so she came over to entertain Zayn. Which lead to sex, no doubt. Was he crazy to call her over? And when did he call her over? I came home last night from her club late, meaning she left later than me. So did she directly come here or did Zayn call?

"I can explain," Zayn finally says.


Girlfriend? Oh crap, that's right. Zayn was going out with Pierre and it's been only like a week. Aw man, Zayn was in for it now. Zayn looks wide eyed and Syreena looks at me. She gives me an expression which I know very well. It's a keep-your-mouth-shut-or-I'll-kill-you expression she was wearing right now. I wasn't going to tell, I vowed to Zayn, since he let me see her dance.

"Get out of my room, Louis," Zayn mutters. "We'll talk."

"We better talk and I want that girl to join the conversation we're going to have," Louis says fiercely. The way he said girl was so acidic and harsh.

Louis shuts the door shut which makes a huge bang sound and roughly pushes me aside. This morning was already hell, why did God make it worse for me? What have I done wrong? Louis walked briskly to the couch and glared at particularly nothing. Louis was pissed off, full on pissed which he rarely was.

"Harry," Louis calls over to me.

I walk fast towards him and stand by the couch.

"Sit," Louis orders.

Yes, sir. I sit on one of the arm chairs and Louis glares at me.

"Did you know about this?"

"Know about what?" I try sounding innocent.

Who was I fooling? Louis knew me like the back of his hand.

"Don't lie to me Harry," Louis snaps. "This is serious."

This was serious, big time serious. Zayn and Syreena were going to die. Well, at least Louis was going to claw Syreena's beautiful face out. Louis stares at me which was creeping me out since the stare he gave was I-could-see-through-your-soul look and it was uncomfortable. I knew I couldn't lie, Louis was my mates. One of my best mates.

"Uh," I shift in the chair trying to buy some time. Where were they?

Louis continues to look at me. Man, when did he suddenly become old and serious?

"Well," I say. "I um, saw Syreena coming out of Zayn's flat 4 in the morning the day before yesterday."

"What were you doing up at 4 in the morning?" Louis gives me a queer look.

"Nothing," I blurt.

What, couldn't I be up at 4 in the morning? I wasn't like Zayn who called a stripper over. I just went to the bar and snogged a couple of girls, no big deal.

"So her name is Syreena?" Louis questions.

I don't say anything, since tempering with Louis would probably get one of my testicles ripped. Louis was lethal when he was angry, pretty much like Zayn. So, today watching them was going to be a sight.

A/N; people, this is an R rated novel so it's going to pretty much have some sex scenes. So just deal with it and like I said you people enjoy reading that stuff. (;  ABut I won't bail out of this fan fic, I'll keep writing since I enjoy it too. So I might not be able to upload frequently due to that. But keep reading and commenting. I enjoy reading the one's I've got. (: Thank you very much you guys, it means a lot. (:

Oh right, sexy cover right there, i n the multimedia place is made by Karla! (: 


I love you doll!

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