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“Louis, you’re a fucking chicken shit!” Eleanor yells at him.

Syreena spits juice out of her mouth and roars in laughter, Harry doing the same.

“Louis, when the baby pops, El’s gonna murder you,” I laugh and drink Coke from the cans.

Louis nods his head in agreement and pats the small bump. “You better not create problems,” Louis whispers to the baby bump.

Eleanor smacks the Louis head making me laugh even harder.

“Man up,” Eleanor tells him and grabs a can of Coke.

“Don’t do that!” Syreena yells and wipes the juice with a tissue.

Eleanor gives a sly smile and pat’s her stomach. It was funny; Eleanor and Syreena became extremely close, as if they were real sisters, which was freaky because they knew everything about each other. I will never understand their relationship.

“So, when’s the baby gonna pop?” Harry asks and runs a hand through his ruffled curls.

“Oi, already excited to corrupt my child?” Eleanor asks firmly.

Harry gapes and shakes his head but Eleanor goes on anyway. “I’m not giving Lou access to my kid either, only Syreena.”

“What!?” Louis asks shocked. “That’s a part of me too, I made it.” Louis pouts and then we all crack a grin. “Wanna know how?” Louis waggles his eyebrows at my little sister, Saffa.

My sister giggles and I cover her ears with my hands. “Are you trying to corrupt my sister?” I ask jokily.

“She’s gonna know one day,” Louis grins. “I mean kids now know everything.”

I remove my hands from her ears and run a hand through Saffa’s hair. She looks up at me and grins, exposing gaps between her two teeth’s. Right now we were chilling at my house and it’s been 2 months that Eleanor’s been pregnant and right now she was told to be very careful, because she could have a miscarriage anytime.

“Lou,” Syreena speaks. “I could make a better father then you.”

“Burn!” Niall and Harry yell.

Syreena smirks and takes a sip.

“You wanna bet?” Louis asks casually and sits up.

“Sure and like last time, you’ll lose…again,” Syreena laughs.

Saffa laughs and Syreena cracks a grin towards her direction. Saffa gets up and plants her chubby self next to Syreena. Syreena puts her arm around Saffa and pokes her stomach. Saffa had a thing for Syreena, I mean it was shocking.

“We need more Coke,” Liam hollers.

“I’ll go get it,” Syreena chirps and stands up.

She walks past me, into the kitchen. They lads and Eleanor was busy laughing at something, so when I got up to follow Syreena, they didn’t notice. I hear Syreena bustle around the kitchen so when I slip my arm around her waist, she freezes.

“Syreena,” I croon.

She turns around and she leans her body against the kitchen counter.

“You know, the knives aren’t very far from me,” Syreena says, but she was unsure.

I glance at where her eyes went and I stepped even closer to her, my chest against hers. “You’ll kill me?” I couldn’t help grin.

Syreena gives off a sly smile. “Maybe.”

“But then if you kill me,” I start and raise my hand and rub them against Syreena’s arm. “You wouldn’t be able to feel that.”

Syreena glances down at my arm removes it. “I’ll live.”

“And who would turn you on?” I smirk.

Syreena bites her lip and then smirks, “I have Harry, don’t I?”

I knew she was joking, but it got to me. She was mine, strictly mine. Syreena seemed amused with my expression and heaved at my chest. “Move I have to give them Cokes.”

“No,” I scowl.

“Zayn come on,” Syreena pushes hard on my chest with her hands. She grumbles and crosses her arms. “What do you want?”

“Now you’re talking!” I smile seductively.

I pull her closer to me and kiss her lightly on the lips, just a touch. When I pull back I grin. “More?”

Syreena grins back. “More.”

I put my mouth on hers and kiss her, but a thought ran across my mind. I pull back and stare at Syreena. She looks confused and then just like me, she cocked her head to the side as if to say, ‘you okay?’ No, I wasn’t because I should be playing her; I should be hurting, not making it better for her. I mean she wanted to kiss me and I instantly knew she’d fight back. I shake my head and kiss her forehead and then bent down to whisper in her ear.

“Don’t worry Syreena.”

I pull back and Syreena looks flustered and confused.

“I won’t hurt you that much,” I say and smirk. “But enough to make you see my pain.”

Next to her feet were the cans of coke and I pick up the carton. My eyes search her face, which seemed pained and confused. I leaned down to nuzzle her neck but what Syreena said stopped me cold.

“And I’ll play back,” Syreena said through clenched teeth and looked right into my eye. “And I’ll make you go through what I went through.”

I straighten my back and nod. “May the best person win.”

Syreena gives a bitter laugh. “And I hope you suffer like I did, Zayn. Because I am ready to rip you apart.”

With that she takes the carton from my hand and walks off. I stare behind her and can’t help myself smile even though I shouldn’t. With Syreena playing back, it was going to be hotter than ever.

A/N; AHHH! I hope the ending wasn’t lame. And it’s done, *sniff* Oh my gosh, I just finished this book! AHHHHH! And THANK YOU BOOTIFUL PEOPLE FOR READING THIS!! (: A huge author’s note is gonna be posted so no worries. Vote and Comment? :D


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