M's Stripper [38]

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Being confused was tiring and pacing back and forth in a hotel room was boring. I didn't want to watch TV because useless shit would be on. What I needed to do was relax. I walk over to the bathroom and see a nice tub just sitting there, I was pretty sure it was calling me.

"I'm coming," I tell the bathtub.

I quickly walk out of the bathroom and find a vase with red roses. I grab it and walk to the bathroom, filling it up with warm water and ripping the petals, throwing them into the water. It was twilight out and I was shocked that time flew by. I wanted some candles so I went through the drawers and I found some emergency candles. They'll do. I light them up and strip my clothes off and sink into the bathtub. Now this was heaven, this felt so good, the warm water against my skin and the rose petals floating around. The candles made me feel so sensual and gave me a calm environment. I sink in deeper and put my head back. I close my eyes trying to think about nothing, nothing at all. I was on the verge to fall asleep when I heard the hotel door open. I sit up abruptly and hear the door slam. Oh fuck, who is it?


No! I sink in the water, hoping that I would disappear. It was Zayn, he was such a stalker. I don't answer but try to relax again; Zayn was not going to ruin my mood. I could hear him walking around the room and then the bathroom door opens. I open my eyes and see Zayn leaning against the door with a smirk on his face.

"I like you like this," he simply says.

I raise my hand from the water and stick the middle finger up at him, this makes him smile big. I close my eyes again and then suddenly feel the water in the tub raise and when I open my eyes, Zayn is sitting across me.

"ZAYN?" I shriek in surprise. "Get out!"

"Bitch please, I need to relax too," he says and watches the candle flame.

I cross my arms and turn my glance away from Zayn. Arg! He was in the same tub as me!

"Syreena do you hate me?" Zayn suddenly asks.

I look at him and he's sweeping his fore finger through the candle flick. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows.

"I do," I say.

Zayn nods and keeps sweeping his finger through the flame.

"You're going to burn your finger," I mutter.

He shrugs. "It's not like you care."

I don't answer him; instead I stare at the floating rose petals and stare at Zayn's abs.

"I know you don't hate me," Zayn says.

I stare up at him and he smiles weakly. He looked so young and vulnerable right now. And tired, very tired.

"How do you know?" I ask.

He smiles. "I can read your eyes; I've known you for a while." And then with a threatening tone. "And I hate liars."

"Oh please, Zayn," I say. "You lied to me plenty of times. Like how you went out with Perrie again."

This seemed to catch his attention. His eyes search mine.

"I heard you today," I whisper and look away.

"And?" He probes.

"And nothing," I shrug.

I raise my head a bit and see him nod.

"I care though," he says. "I care about you a lot Syreena."

As he said that, he looked at me directly and I had to look away. His intensity of his eyes was mesmerizing and it made my heart lurch.

"I did nothing wrong," I defend myself.

"I didn't say that."

"What are you trying to say?" I say with venom. "Because I can't keep up with you."

Zayn closes his eyes before answering and when he opens them, his eyes are grave.

"I don't know," he answers.

It didn't seem like he was talking to me. It was as if I wasn't here. He runs a wet hand through his quiff and sighs. "I don't know," he mumbles.

This was the first time I saw Zayn like this. He looked so weak and hurt. It made me feel bad, like I was to blame for his state. I felt guilty.

"Zayn," I being to say but I'm cut off.

"Please," Zayn pleads.

"Please what?" I say totally caught off by his voice.

Zayn shakes his heads and takes in a deep breath and stares at me. He studies me and I start biting my lip. He glances at my lip and then his eyes go down toward my chest and then back to my lips. Zayn starts to bite his lips and I ask the stupidest question.

"Why are you always biting your lip?"

This makes Zayn grin. "Because I'm afraid I might bite yours."

I breathe in sharply. Zayn cocks his head to the side and smirks at me. "Would want me to bite it?"

I look at him, not able to answer. I might hate him, but I love when he says things like that. Zayn comes closer, the water sloshing. He puts a wet hand on my shoulder and rubs it. This makes me freeze and Zayn was studying me. He leans in closer and kisses my nose before pulling back. This caught me off by surprise.

"I thought you were going to bite my lip," I say and blush.

Zayn looks at me. "I won't touch you no more, unless you let me."

"What!?" I breathe.

Zayn nods. "You find me a control freak."

"You are a control freak, but that doesn't mean...."

I trail off as Zayn gives off a smirk. "You want me to?"

I don't answer instead I sink deeper into the water, I was so confused. I shrug at his answer and wiggle my toes which was next to Zayn's shoulder. He glances sideways at my toes and then he grabs them.

"What the hell?"

He brings my feet closer to his mouth and bites the small toe.

"ZAYN!" I scream and jerk my feet. Zayn smiled and pushed my foot away. "Sexy toes."

"You find everything sexy," I mumble and sit up.

Zayn stares at my chest. We've seen each other naked but this was weird. So I crossed my arms and Zayn nudged me with his big toe, on my thigh.


Zayn grins at me and shrugs. Okay. We stay quiet and watching the candle flickers back and forth. I wanted him, bad. I bite my lips and when I stare up, I am greeted by Zayn's lips. He takes my hand in one of his hands and holds it tight. With his other hand he jerks my chin towards his mouth. It was so frustrating that I couldn't touch him and I wanted to. I open my mouth and Zayn's expert tongue finds mine. This was nice, and very sexy. We were wet and making out in the bathtub. Zayn pulls back and I'm panting.

"I thought you won't touch me without my permission," I pant.

Zayn's mouth was grazing along my neck to the hollow of my ear. "Fuck it," he growls.

He gently bites my earlobe. His lips skim the side of my face and I feel his stubble against my cheek. He lowers my hand and then interlocks our fingers together. We stare at each other and his eyes are dancing with dark humor. He smirks and then leans in and blows his breathe inside my ear. I shiver and then he whispers the deadliest word ever.

"Revenge," Zayn whispers seductively in my ear.

A/N; SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? You like it, I tried to make it longer and sexy (; Um...wanna make the cover for Malik's Dirty Dancer? Plwease? I And im sorry if I'm nt updating my other stories, I'm mad busy and fucking tired. So sorry and vote and comment (:  NO SEX PEOPLE, anyway I need sex D;

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