M's Stripper [10]

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There stood Zayn by door leaning casually with a small smile on his lips.

"May I come in?" Zayn questions.

I was about to answer no but Zayn walks into the room anyway. Stupid bastard.

"Nice room," he looks over my look and then his gaze travels back to me.

"What do you want?" I ask acidly.

"I came here to deliver your bag," Zayn raises the bag and hands it to me.

I take it and set it aside.

"Thank you," I blandly say. "You're going to get in trouble if you stay here, get out."

"Listen, Syreena, I'm really sorry about today. Especially with your hand there, I didn't mean to I just lost control."

Zayn looks sympathetic and hangs his head down in shame. "I'm truly sorry," he apologizes.

Hmm? Was he just playing with me or did he truly mean it?

"Do you know about Harry and his proposal he gave me?" I ask ignoring his apology.

"Harry?" Zayn asks surprised. "And what proposal?"

Zayn seemed truly surprised meaning he didn't know that I had to play boy friend and girl friend with him. I didn't feel like explain so I take my phone and hand it to him, with the messages between me and Harry.

"Just read them," I say and head over to the bathroom.

Zayn deserved to know, I mean I agreed to this right? There was no backing out of it now. My original shorts and shirt was hanging from a hook behind the bathroom door. I changed and got out. Zayn was gripping my phone starting hard into the screen. Okay, not the reaction I wanted. I drop my stripper heels and put on my Converse. I could stand the heels. I wore them all night and had to dance in them so sport shoes were my morning picks.

"My phone?" I open my palm.

Zayn's head snaps to my face and he stares at me intensely. The pain in my chest was there again, what the hell was that? Zayn places my phone on my palm not saying anything. Again, weird. Zayn turns around and I thought he was leaving. Wrong. Zayn's hands were now in fists and he went to my make up table and threw all the makeup to the floor.

"Zayn!" I scream, horrified.

What the hell was he doing? He was ruining my stuff!

I go over to my makeup mess and pick some up placing it on my table again.

"What the fuck, Zayn?" I question and glare.

Zayn doesn't answer but he just stands still starting at me with hateful eyes. What did I do now?

"Why Syreena?" Zayn questions.

"Why what?" I ask annoyed and continue picking my makeup.

"Why did you agree to this?"

I pick up the remaining makeup which is on the floor and place it on the table. Then I stare straight into Zayn's eyes.

"I agreed to this because, your ex is going to make my life a living hell. I don't need it to be as miserable then it already is," I spat at him.

Zayn narrows his eyes at me and takes in a deep breath and releases it. He was trying very hard to control his anger.

"Let me drive you home," he says suddenly.

What, was he also on his period?

"No," I answer him coldly and point to the door. "Get out or I'll call security. Consider your options." I smirk at the last part of the sentence.

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