M's Stripper [20]

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"Syreena, I love you."

Zayn leaned down and kissed me softly on my lips. I put my arms around his neck, but instead, I felt something hard and felt a soft thrumming beating. The hell? I open my eyes and oh crap; I was lying on top of Zayn's chest. I raise my head up a bit and gladly find Zayn's asleep with one of his hand on my back. Where were we? The last thing I remembered was, uh, me cradling Zayn's face and him rubbing clay on me. It was clay right? Clay... oh shit! Clay! I remembered now, I was trying to use the pottery wheel but when Zayn appeared, my clay vase broke. And then we stared making it together, which lead to other things, but no sex; thank god. I bury my head down on Zayn's chest again, and his grip on my back tightens. I was still tired and groggy; especially from that dream I was having two minutes ago. I just lay there with my eyes open, thinking about nothing. Actually, I was. I was thinking about something but I wasn't sure if I heard right. Did Zayn tell me that he loved me? Did he? I rack my brain but my head was still fuzzy. And did I answer him back? I chew on my lips and my temples start throbbing. Ugh, the pain was being unbearable and I needed a shower, I felt sticky.

I arch my back and try to get up, but Zayn's tight on my back tightens. So he knows I'm awake.

"Let me go," I say tiredly.

I was not in the mood for a fight. Zayn opens his eyes and smirks at me. "Come on, babe. Just stay here a little more."

"Shut up Zayn," I say and bend my left arm to my back so I could get Zayn's massive hand off. "Come on, I need to take a shower."

"A shower eh?" Zayn questions with amusement.

"Yes," I growl.

"Fine then," Zayn says.

His hands leave my back and I climb down off him. Finally! I stretch my arms and give out a morning yawn, not bothering to cover my mouth. I turn around to see that Zayn and I had fallen asleep on the couch and our body was covered in dry clay.

"No," I moan. "This is going to take forever to get off." I point at the clay on my arms and glance at Zayn's chest. He had clay there too.

"Not forever," Zayn says trying to brush some of the dry clay off his chest. "Maybe, if we help each other in the shower, it won't take long." Zayn was wearing a smirk and waggling his eyebrows at me. Oh great, Zayn was back to himself.

"Keep dreaming, Malik," I reply and walk off to Zayn's bedroom.

I find the clothes I wore last night and grab them, heading over to Zayn's bathroom. I take my toothbrush and walk into the living room. I spot Zayn sitting on the couch with both hands on his head. Was he okay? I was about to ask him, but then it wasn't my problem. I walk to the guestroom and enter the bathroom. I hang my clothes on the steel railing and step into the bathtub and turn on the water. I mix the clod and hot water together and strip my clothes off. After scrubbing my body for about five times, I was satisfied that there was no clay left behind. I wash my hair with some Herbal Essences shampoo I found. It was coconut and milk, it smelt great. I wash my hair and wrap a towel around my hair and another on my body. I towel dry my hair, body, and start wearing my clothes. No way was I going to wear them in the bedroom; Zayn would pop out of nowhere. While I was wearing my clothes I remembered something about last night. Zayn did tell me he loved me! Holy crap was he in his senses last night? I didn't know what love was and I never believed that love bullshit, I don't have time for love. I step out of the bathroom and walk into the living room. Zayn was pacing around the room, with a phone on his ear, and he was rubbing his temples. He looked upset about something.

"No," Zayn braked into the phone. "I don't accept. I don't give a damn what people are going to say."

Zayn seemed to be listening to the other line and he saw me. His eyes meet mine and he brings the phone down.

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now