M's Stripper [16]

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Holy fucking shit, how did they find out her name? I was on my twitter and already gotten some hate twit, not that I was surprised. I got hate twit every single day; from smoking to being Muslim. It was disgusting. I scroll down to see a really cute picture of me and Syreena, my chin resting on her shoulders and we were looking at each other. Damn you paparazzi, but I was thankful for this picture. It was cute. My phone starts buzzing and it was a text from Perrie.

Perrie: Having fun with the whore of yours?

I glare at the screen and type back.

She has a name, its Syreena; and yes I am. xx

Perrie types back and the text stops me cold. I gulp and my hands shake to answer back to her.

Perrie: Watch how I ruin your life Zayn. You and your filthy band members. Just watch.

Oh shit, I knew this would happen. Perrie would make a big deal out of this, and it kind of was. I cheated on her with a stripper. But she didn't know that Syreena was a stripper, expect Harry and I. But we were safe, I mean Syreena and I had to play it safe. Yes I cheated, I can't deny that but Perrie was in fault too. Before I even cheated on her, our relationship wasn't going well, it was bad so cheating on her just made it more official.

What the hell Perrie? You know what, do whatever you want, I don't give a shit.

I typed that and hit send. Fuck with the x's I was to angry to type them in. Syreena walks into the room and I glance up at her.


I roll my eyes and pat the sofa seat next to me. She sits down and peers at the texts.

"I'ma murder her, cut her body up to little pieces, and feed it to the dogs," Syreena said sounding pissed.

Okay, that scared me a little. I look at her and she just shrugs her shoulders. "No blonde bitch like that is going to say shit about us."

I raise my eyebrows and smile.

"Us?" I question her.

She looks at me and blushes. "Pssh.." She scoffs. "I meant us as in you know... friend wise. I mean no one likes hearing shit about themselves."

"Nice save," I pat her head and say.

Syreena smacks my hand away and just sticks her tongue at me. I move my head closer and kiss the tip of her tongue.

"EW!" Syreena yells and starts making weird faces. "I don't want your cooties."

I laugh and flick her nose. "I've been inside you; I think I left more than cooties behind."

"You fucking pervert," Syreena states.

"I am," I smile.

Syreena starts to get up but I hold on to her hands. She looks at me and I pout, knowing it worked every damn time. "Stay," I beg.

"Fine," Syreena grumbles and sits herself down.

I put my phone back into my pocket and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"When are we meeting them?" Syreena questions.

She didn't sound eager, just plain.

"Well, management wants to have a meeting," I say rubbing circles on her arms. "So we'll go to Harry's flat from there."

"Management?" Syreena questions startled. "What the point of going there?"

"So they can tell us how to play it," I answer.

I was scared, I admit. I mean, my fans would be devastated that I cheated but I was scared for me too and for Syreena. She was going o get a whole lot of bitching from the guys. Though Louis seemed to be alright with her so the bitching would be less. Harry would back us up, since he was in on the little secret, so no problem. My phone starts ringing and I get it out. The caller ID read Harry.

"Vas happenin," I greet.

Syreena chuckles and I wink at her.

"Management wants to hold the meeting now. Simon will be there too, so hurry up," Harry speaks over the other line.

"Simon?" I question.

"Yeah, I know. He never comes to the meetings, but we'll see," Harry answers. "Just come, kay?"

The goes dead. Oh man, Simon was coming. Simon was nice actually; not very mean but today he was going to claw me alive. I chew my inner lip trying to think of a way to get start explain this whole cheating on who chaos. I could go like, 'this is Syreena, and I cheated on her with Perrie', no, it sounded to direct. Management probably got the news that I cheated, so did the public meaning it was out. So why was the meeting being held then? How to play it, I guess?

"I'm surprised you can think that hard," Syreena suddenly says.

Her voice zone's me out of my thoughts and I turn sideways to look at her. Syreena wears a little smile on her lips and stares at me.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Your forehead and eyebrow is all creased up making you look weird," Syreena states.

Her fingers touch my forehead and eyebrows, and massage them gently. It felt good and nice. I was surprised by her actions.

"There," she says removing her fingers. "Now you look better."

I flick her nose. "I'm impressed."

Syreena rolls her eyes and gets up. "So who was the call from?" Syreena questions.

"Harry," I say. "We have to go to the meeting now."

I stand up too and hold Syreena's hand. "Lets go."

Syreena nods and grabs her keys and we leave.

"So, Simon Crowell is going to be there?!" Syreena asks in disbelief.

I nod, "Yep, so be on your best behavior and don't get to smart with him."

I could feel Syreena glare at me and I just smile, concentrating on the road ahead.

"He's going to kill me," Syreena mumbles. "Whether I speak or not. He's fucking scary."

She was kind of right, Simon was scary but he was nice too. He was our mentor for X factor so we bonded well together.  But from the eye of others, Simon Crowell was a scary human being with no heart at all.

"It will be fine," I reassure her. "The lads are going to be there and so will I."

Syreena doesn't answer but looks through the window. Her face was set in deep concentration and she kept chewing on her lips. She was definitely scared, I would've been to if I was in her position. I stop the car in front of Syco records and Syreena glances up at the building. I unbuckle my seat belt and move to the co-pilot door, opening it for Syreena. Syreena steps out and I slam the door shut. I hold her hands in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Time to play," I tell her.

Syreena nods with determination on her face.

A/N; There! I uploaded, happy? (: Thank you everybody who has read this fan fic, it means a lot .

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