M's Stripper [8]

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That blasted Zayn Malik! Who did he think he was? And how in the fucking hell was I his girlfriend? If I was (in what dimension, I don't know) he was going have to deal that his supposable girlfriend is a stripper. This was super frustrating and I hated it. I mean I get hurt by Zayn, almost get hurt by his ex and now I was famous Malik's girlfriend? No! I was going to make sure this matter didn't continue on, because I am already was having enough bull with my boss and now Zayn had to add more drama llamas in my life. I was going to punch his face in and make it look like Rihanna's when Chris Brown hit her. Then the matter will be settled and I can move on with my life and make it as a doctor. I was in my living room grumbling to myself and eating on Rainbow Goldfish crackers.

"Life is a bitch, you know that rainbow fish?" I acknowledge to the fish and make a face. I was going nuts. "And now, I shall eat you." I bring the little fish towards my mouth and bite the head off. Now the fish only had a back fin left. I throw that in my mouth and cobble it down to pieces. I was taking my anger out on food because I was too lazy and drained. If my boss were here, he would've killed me himself since I was snacking and will gain a few pounds. No men liked a fat stripper with blubber jiggling out. But I didn't care. I didn't give a damn and I wouldn't care if I went running around naked, being thrown into jail, and spending my life behind bars with serial killers. It was a much better option than to the crappy life I was leading.

My phone was besides me and I feel it vibrate. I pick and take a glance at the caller idea. It was an unknown number calling. Should I pick it up? It could be stalkers from the club. I decide to pick it up anyways because I had nothing better to do. I wouldn't be surprised if Barney came barging through my front door with a knife. I tap on 'answer'.

"Yolo," I speak over to the phone which was smudged against ear and shoulder.

"Syreena is that you?"

A deep husky voice answered back, I knew exactly who that was and I wasn't going to give in.

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm some sort of loving purple dragon with drugs stored in my tail."

"Huh?" the voice asks.

"Huh?" I answer back.

"Okay whatever, I know your Syreena, alright?" Husky man said sounding annoyed.

A grin comes over my face. "And I know you're Harry Styles, so I'm going to hang up now."

I was about to put the phone down.

"No! No!" Harry protests over the speaker. "Listen; don't put the phone down, okay?" Harry says cautiously.

"Alright," I speak through the receiver.

"About today.."

"I have no interest about today or about what happened," I cut him off cold.

"I know you don't, but this is important. Just hear me out."

I don't answer and hear Harry sigh in relief over the phone. What was he relieved about?

"Listen," Harry begins. "Zayn and I only know about you okay? And Zayn made that girlfriend thing up since he didn't want the lads to know about it. And trust me, Zayn is feeling guilty."

"Are you feeling guilty?" I ask curious.


"Me being the stripper and lying to them."

There was a pause and I knew he was feeling guilty; he was lying to his best buddies.

"Yes, I am. But that doesn't matter alright? You need to pretend being Zayn's girlfriend now since—"

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now