M's Stripper [31]

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Four feet, just four feet away from me was Zayn Malik, ex client. I gape at him. It's been a month but it felt like so long. Zayn was wearing a expression of shock and it slowly changed to happiness. Zayn tilts his head to the side and a grin appears on his face. I think my heart stopped beating and I swallowed hard. How can he smile at me when I broke his heart? Zayn walks over to me and smiles.

"Hello Syreena," Zayn greets with a big smile.

No affect. I left him no affect. I blink and smile.

"Zayn," I greet.

"How are you?"

Why was he being so formal and then it hits me, I'm in a car store with two employees starting at us. I grin at him, if I left him no effect, I'll show him that he left no effect on me.

"Buying myself a car," I grin. "And I choose this one," I acknowledge to the woman beside me.

Zayn follows my pointed finger and he flashes his sexy smile, the one that would always make me melt.

"Nice choice," Zayn grins. He cocks his head to the side. "Too bad, I choose it first."

"What?" I gape at him and stare at my future car.

It was a sports Audi car, sexy and sleek, with the windows darkly tinted. I glance at Zayn and his rubbing his hands together with that smile on his face and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"Rick," Zayn says to the man beside him. "I'll buy it."

My eyes go wide and my inner goddess wants to hit Zayn. I agree. Rick looks at me warily but Zayn snaps his fingers.

"Please." Zayn says with an authoritative voice.

The man Rick nods and motions his head to follow Zayn. Zayn turns to me and gives me a wicked smile and follows the man. What the hell? He just stole my fucking car! I was steaming inside and I wanted to rip his head off from his sexy body. I breathe in deeply and exhale.

"I'll be going," I say quickly to the woman beside me and smile to her. "Thanks."

The woman nods and waves. I walk out of the shop and see the door of the manger's open. I peek inside and see Zayn signing something. Bloody faggot. I walk away and I'm greeted by the mid afternoon sunlight. I slip my glasses on and start walking when Zayn's car catches my attention, his Bentley. Maybe I could ruin it. The inner me smiles and nods her head but I was in public and I was not going to act childish no matter how much I wanted to. I glare at his car for a minute, deciding and I start walking off to the subways when someone's hand catches my wrist. Oh shit.

I turn around and see Zayn standing with a small smile on his face but his eyes were tight and dark.

"Let me go," I state and try to pry his finger off my wrist and I succeed.

I take my hand back and take my glasses off. "What is your problem?" I hiss.

Zayn smiles and he puts his hands up, holding something. Between his fingers, his holding the keys to the car I wanted.

"I believe this is yours," Zayn says with a smile.

He opens my palms and puts the key in my hands and then he closes it.

"Drive safe," he mutters and then he walks off.

I gape at him. What?! He just bought me a car! An Audi to be exact! Zayn was opening the door to his car and I rush over to him.

"Why did you do this?" I snap at him.

Zayn looks at me and his eyes tighten and his lips press together.

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