M's Stripper [11]

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I don't know how long I've been pounding on Syreena's door but I was sure I dozed off. I was now half awake in an awkward position in front of Syreena's door. I hoist myself up and stare at the wood door and press her bell. I had no idea what time it was but I wanted to see her and apologize. It was funny; every time I went to apologize to her I would either get her infuriated at me or touch her disrespectfully. It was wrong of me to do that; even though she was a stripper she was a still a woman and no woman should be treated like that. I wait and I use that time trying to re-collect my thoughts and think of a proper apology. If we were going to act boyfriend and girlfriend, we had to maintain our anger. Especially mine since Syreena was a bit of a hot head. I run my hands through my hair. I must look like garbage right now and I was badly craving for a smoke. I bit my lips and press the bell again hearing the chime. I hear the door rattle and I hold my breath. The door opens showing a puffy eyed Syreena. Syreena looked tired, really tired and when she saw me anger flashed through her eyes.

"Hi," I mutter.

"What do you want Zayn?" Syreena sounding irritated.

"I just want to say," I look down at my white sneakers and then back up at her. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to touch you or any of those things to you. I didn't mean too and I'm sorry."

She stares at me for a while expressionless. "You already said those stuff and touched me so there's no point of apologizing to me now. So, apology not accepted."

Syreena was going to swing the door shut but I stopped it with my shoe. I knew she wasn't going to accept my apology but it was still worth a try.

"Listen," I begin. "I am sorry, really sorry. I know your way past forgiving me but please accept my apology and I'll take any punishment you have to offer."

I was sounding like I was begging but I didn't care. Syreena was my hope of saving my ass and the lads from total humiliation and a bad reputation. Syreena looked like she was considering my words and then huffed a sigh.

"Come inside," Syreena says and walks away from the door.

I walk inside closing the door behind me. This was the first time I was inside her flat and it was not stripper looking which kind of surprised me. I thought she'd have a stripper pole in her living room for practice. Syreena sits down on the couch and rests her head on the arm of the sofa. I sit on the love seat and glance at Syreena. She was trying very hard to keep her eyes open and stifled a yawn. Right now, Syreena didn't look like a hooker instead she looked like a college student who stayed up late studying. I wait for her to open her eyes and when she does she glares at me. Okay, I deserve the glare.

"Can I offer you something?" Syreena asks and raises her head up.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask taken back.

"It's called manners Zayn," Syreena laughs and smiles. "Do you want anything?"

I purse my lips and think about the offer. Normally, I would say yes and wouldn't think about the offer but this was Syreena. I mean what if she put rat poison in my coffee causing me to die, I didn't want that.

"How about we go outside for a coffee?" I offer.

Syreena just gives me a queer look and then nods.

"Lemme get my coat and then we'll go."

Syreena gets up from the couch disappearing into a hallway. I glance around the living room and spot a mirror. I walk towards it and check my reflection. I looked like I just it drugs. My hair was sticking out and I patted it hopefully it would stay. I rub my unshaven jaw and turn my head sideways showing Syreena.

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now