M's Stripper [35]

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I kept tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep. Why couldn't I sleep?! I jam the cushion pillow in my face and then pull back. I wanted to scream; instead I got up and just sat there. What can I do at; I glance at my phone; at 3:00 in the morning? The possibilities were endless but I wasn't in the mood, I could leave, but that would make Syreena happy. I wanted to piss her off and it wasn't a hard job to do, that girl would get mad at everything. I shake my head like Harry does with his head full of curls and I stand up. I walk over to her TV and grab the remote and sit on the floor. I turn the TV on and start flicking channels, and kept the volume down. It wasn't like Syreena was going to hear but still, it seemed rude.

You are rude.

I smirk at my thoughts, true story. After flicking about 300 channels, I got bored. I turn the TV off and walk into her kitchen and see an expensive wine bottle. My eyebrows crease and I take the bottle and see a card with something written on it: I thought you would like to hang out after work sometimes. –Christan.

I place the bottle down and I really wanted to punch Christian right now. Syreena was mine, and she still is. And I was sure he wanted sex, I mean Syreena is gorgeous. But she was mine no matter what. It was nasty that her boss was acting like this to her. I shake my head trying to get rid of the thought, Syreena would never agree. I knew her type, she plays hard and she would guys prove their worth for her. I leave the kitchen but I really wanted to throw the wine bottle at Christian's face myself and make it bleed. I sigh and stop in front of Syreena's room. Maybe a little cuddle? Because I missed her. After Syreena left me, I had nightmares that everyone left me and I would wake up taking a smoke to calm my system, not a great thing. My hand goes to the door knob and I turn it slowly. I open the door fully and see Syreena deep inside a cover. I walk closer to her and she looked so peaceful and innocent. It was true; when people slept they looked years younger, I was looking at it right now. My hands go to move some hair from Syreena's face. She doesn't respond. I stare at her and my hurt pangs, what the hell am I doing? Why am I torturing her? What has she done to me? Everything, I answer to my thoughts. I wasn't going to find rest until I made Syreena go through the pain.

I walk over to the empty space of the bed on the other side and I climb inside putting the covers halfway my body.

"Syreena?" I tap on her shoulders.


I grin, if I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't make her sleep.

"I can't sleep," I say.

"Go away," Syreena mutters angrily and pulls the cover above her head.

I pull the covers down and wrap my arm around her tiny waist. "Please?" I nuzzle her neck.

Syreena seemed to stiffen, I grin. I blow into her neck making goosebumps raise.

"Fine," Syreena answers shakily. "No touching."

She moves her shoulders and its hits my chin. Ow. I pull back and Syreena turns around. "My shields are up."

"From where?" I question rubbing my chin.

"Everywhere," Syreena says and turns around. "Let me sleep, Zayn."

I cross my arms and lean back on the pillows. I turn to see Syreena sleeping and my hands go to her hair and I start playing with them. Syreena smiles a bit. That made me smile; I haven't seen her smile for a month. My stomach was lurching; I wanted her to be mine. I wanted us to be a real couple but my inner devil wouldn't let me. He wanted Syreena to go through the pain, just like me. And I couldn't control him, I listened to him. I needed to see a doctor, I am so messed up. I sigh and start braiding Syreena's hair.

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