M's Stripper [6]

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Fuck fuck fuck! Zayn was so screwed right now, hell I was screwed right now.

"What are we going to do?" I panic.

Zayn doesn't answer but instead he flicks the covers aside and gets up from bed.

"We're going to talk to them."

What? Was Zayn crazy? He was having an ambush waiting for him in the other room. And why did I have to go? I was just his stripper.

"Well, I'm going to leave," I say.

"What?" Zayn questions and turns to me.

"I am leaving," I repeat.

 "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Zayn barks at me. "You will not leave, understood?" He points a finger at my direction and comes near me until we're eye to eye. "You will stay here until I ask you leave, get it?"

"No," I talk back to him. "I am nothing but merely your stripper. This," I slice the air and make an imaginary line between me and Zayn, "is our differences. I am not your girlfriend, friend, or any shit like that. I am your stripper and that's all, you call and I come. I did not sign up to cover your ass when others find out. So I am leaving and I will leave." Then being a smart ass I add, "Get it?"

Zayn's expression goes furious and I knew it was wrong of me to talk back to him.

"You little slut," Zayn grabs my arm and twists it.

Ow. I wince in pain and grit my teeth.

"Now you listen to me," Zayn whispers in my ear. "I am the one paying you money here, and I think you need the money for paying your tutor, right?" Zayn digs his finger nails into my arm and I utter a cry. "So I suggest to you stay and wear some clothes. I'm tired of seeing you like this."

With that he lets go of my arm and hops of the bed. Zayn bends down and throws my jeans at me which landed right in front of me. I stare at my jeans and glance at my arm Zayn held. It had four half moon crescent shaped marks on it and a tear falls on to the bruise. My arm was hurting bad. What did I do to get this? Who did he think he was? Who the fuck did he think he was?! Who was he to me that I had to listen to his orders like a dog? No one, I was nothing to him. Just a slut, a little slut according to him. It didn't hurt my feelings at all truthfully speaking, but what scared me was Zayn's temper at the moment. He actually hurt me and made bruises in my skin. My face was all wet from my angry tears and I hastily wipe them away. Zayn was in the bathroom and I think it would be wise to listen to him so I could avoid getting hurt by him. I stand up on the bed and wobble a bit. I steady myself and shakily bend down, wear my jeans and climb off his bed. Zayn had a full length mirror in his room which I walk over to. I was a mess. My hair sticking out in different angles, my eyes puffed up, and my lips dried. It was good my shirt was quarter sleeved so the mark was hidden. I grab a brush I find laying around Zayn's dresser and place it on my hair. I wince as I brush through the tangles and remove the hair stuck on the bristles. I place it back on his dresser and roll my hair up and throw it in the trash can. The bathroom door opens and I see Zayn stare at me with cold eyes. He was carrying a towel and pressed it to his wet face.

"Hurry up," Zayn tells me, his voice filled with venom.

I shouldn't listen to him but I do since I was pretty surprised and scared of him right now. I walk into the bathroom, do my business, and take my toothbrush out from behind the medicine cabinet. Since I come here basically every day, Zayn gave me a toothbrush. I brush my teeth as fast as I can and spit in the sink. I rinse my mouth and splash to handfuls of water in my face and turn the tap off. I walk out of the bathroom and Zayn throws a towel at me which hits my face. I give a quick glare at him and wipe my face with the good smelling towel. Zayn was wearing his Bob Marley shirt from last night and runs a hand through his hair.

"Ready?" Zayn asks me.

Did I have a choice? Zayn could murder me right here in his room. I would have a date with the hospital bed then, which I did not want.


Zayn heads over to the door and opens it. I was behind him and we walk into the living room. Harry's head snaps up to our direction and so does the flat haired guy. Harry was wearing a worried expression while the other dude had a glare and anger written all over his face. Well it was obvious he was going to be angry, I was the girl whom women get angry over since their husbands or son's come to throw money on. He clearly had a good reason since his best mate was busy fucking with a stripper.

"How could you Zayn?"

I turn my head too see a blonde looking tearful. Crap, I was sure that was Zayn's girlfriend that he did not inform me about.

"How could you!" the girl walks over and slaps Zayn across the face.

Mother fucker, holy fuck. Did that just happen? I blink my eyes several times and Zayn's head is turned to the side due to the force of the slap. Harry and the dude stand up looking shocked.

"You," she mutters pointing a finger to Zayn. "You bloody arsehole! How could you do this to me! You're cheating on me with a fucking prostitute!"

Hold up blondie, I was not a prostitute. I was stripper, get it right. But I think it would be unwise of me to speak right now. Then the blonde's eyes turn to me and it was filled with loathe. Shit. I was so sure she was going to hit me. Wow, I get hurt from the broken couple; how nice.

"You bloody slut," she stands in front of me and whispers. "You fucking whore!"

Blondie raises her hands and I shut my eyes bracing myself for the slap that I clearly didn't deserve. After a few seconds I open my eyes. I should've felt that slap by now, so why didn't I?

A/N; Cliffhanger! That's right, I put a cliffhanger, I'm so evil. (; Lmao, no. I can't believe the feedback I'm getting from this fan fic, its freaking crazy. I hope to wish that I get some mooore. xD Thank you for the people reading, commenting, and voting on this. It means a lot, truly. (: Keep those read, comments, and votes coming (;

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