M's Stripper [14]

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"People are so mean, I mean what's the point of being mean? Do you get anything? Like, it's so messed up."

That was Zayn ranting on and on about hate. We were done watching Mean Girls and we were both sitting in the dining table, while I was busy picking at my noodles and Zayn talking.

"I mean, I am so sick of what people think about me. I just want to, I don't know. Why can't it be all about the music?!"

Zayn was looking at me and I nod in agreement. "Agreed."

"You're not even listening, are you?"

"I am!" I nod my head defending myself. "I heard about you ranting on about how you get hate everyday and how mean people can be. I listen."

Zayn cracked a smile at me and I just gave him a 'what?' look. It was creepy; he would always smile at me as if I said something funny all the time. I don't find myself funny; I don't have time to be funny.

"So.." Zayn places his elbows on the table and cups his face with his hands. "What shall we do today?"

I shrug and continue eating my noodles. I was hungry and my stomach was thankful for the food. It felt like I was having a party in my tummy, without the snacks.

"Why don't we sleep?" I suddenly answer his question with a smile on my face.

"Sleep?" Zayn questions surprised.

I nod my head vigorously. "Yes, sleep!"

I get up limping into the kitchen and lean against the counter. "Well?"

"Let's sleep!" Zayn cries in excitement.

I was happy; finally I could get some shut eye and relax. Zayn walks into my bedroom and I follow. Zayn throws himself on the bed and I stop standing by my door. I will not let Zayn sleep with me, because if I do, things might happen and I was not in the mood.

"Well?" Zayn questions and pats the bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch," I say taking my pillow and one I could cuddle with.

I had a bad habit cuddling with pillows. If I ever got married, I was sure I would have a huge cuddle pillow between us. Zayn sits himself up on my bed and eyes me.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Zayn suddenly says and grabs the pillows from my hand.

Zayn throws the two pillows on the floor and lays down. I couldn't help the thought, but he looked adorable. He was staring up at me with his nut hazel eyes and smiling.

"Sleep," Zayn orders me.

I get up on my bed and lay down shifting my body towards Zayn. Zayn has one hand under the side of his head and he was starting at me. We were just plainly starting at each other and I wanted to tell him that he had my cuddle pillow, but he was the guest.

"I feel guilty," I say.


"You're on the floor and I'm on the bed."

Zayn smiles and shrugs, "Doesn't matter and sometimes, the floor is comfy." Zayn stretches and stifles a yawn.

I wasn't sure if he was lying or just saying that for my sake, but I felt bad. I hated him, maybe, kind of. But, he was a person and no person deserved to sleep on the floor. Sometimes, I did too but that was different. Though, I wasn't going to let Zayn sleep with me. I felt turned on whenever he touched me which isn't right. I stare guilty at him and Zayn rolls his eyes.

"I'm fine," Zayn reassures me. "God, you're like Liam sometimes." Zayn sounded annoyed and then winked me. "I'm joking, Syreena."

"I didn't say anything," I answer.

I hadn't met Liam so I have no idea what he was like. I've seen his pictures all over the web. Also, I haven't met the blondie properly yet.

"Hey," I poke Zayn on the arm. He was still within my reach.


"Aren't you properly going to introduce me as your girlfriend?" I ask.

Zayn nods his head and looked like he was thinking. I mean since I was going to be his girlfriend, I had to play it right, right?

"We'll go today at 9," Zayn plans and looks at me. "Do you; uh have to be the strip club today?"

"I do," I say. "But it won't hurt if I miss one night."

John was going to murder me, but it didn't matter. I actually wanted to meet the boys, I mean the female population loved them and I had a chance, so why not take it?

Zayn smirks. "Sacrificing for me, already?"

"You wish," I roll my eyes and turn around.

Zayn had such a huge ego, I swear one day that was going to cost him.

"Turn around," Zayn tells to my back.

I grin. "Nope."

Zayn doesn't say anything and I was curious to see his face. I felt someone lightly tap my back, I don't turn. Then I felt fingers crawling up and down my back; and then the fingers stared writing something. It felt good but I don't turn. Instead I close my eyes and then feel poking.

"Stop it," I grumble.

"Then turn," Zayn answers.

"No. Let me sleep," I whine.

"I won't let you," Zayn says.

I turn around and glare at the Paki boy. "Happy now?"

I was cranky when my sleep was disturbed, especially now because Zayn stopped caressing my back when I was so close to falling asleep.

"Very," Zayn grins.

I close my eyes and I felt uncomfortable. I needed something to cuddle with. I open my eyes and get a pillow and stuff it between my legs. Zayn looks with raised eyebrows and I just ignore it. I close my eyes, trying to clear my thoughts and falling asleep. Thankfully, Zayn didn't say anything nor did he touch me. Maybe he fell asleep too.

A/N; okay, this was a boring chapter but it will get better. I'll update as soon as I can (: I love you guys and 10K reads! OMFG! I love you big! The picture at the side, *dies* ;o

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