M's Stripper [33]

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"Miss me?" Zayn breathes into my face.

I jerk my face away and then Zayn cups my face and brings it towards him. "Miss me?" he growls.

I glare at his beautiful face. "You are a fucking control freak," I spat the words in his face.

Zayn smiles darkly and leans in closer to me. "I'll show you a control freak."

Zayn pulls back and then grasp my hand, interlocking our fingers. I glance up at him in surprise and he smiles down at me. We start walking and suddenly I feel scared. Oh shit, what the hell was Zayn going to do to me? I stop walking and just stand there and Zayn tugs back, looking at me.

"I will scream," I warn him.

Zayn shrugs. "I don't give a damn."

I gape at him and open my mouth for my scream when Zayn moves over to me and clamps his oversized hand onto my mouth.

"Do you want to die?" Zayn bends down and growls in my ear.

I stare at him wide eyed and shake my head. He looks into my eyes for a second and then removes his hand.

"What do you want?" I question to his face.

Zayn smiles bleakly. "Everything."

He turns back and tugs on my hand so I'm alongside with him. 'Everything' what the hell was that supposed to mean. I gulp; I will not let my fear show in front of Zayn. He could smell my fear, hell he could read my eyes. We stop in front of a post restaurant and I'm baffled. Did everything start with a restaurant? Truthfully speaking, I was confused. I mean it's not like I could run away, Zayn has my number, and he could stalk me or get his bodyguards to find me. It's not very hard for him. We enter the restaurant and it was high class in here, you could smell it in the air. A waiter in about her thirties comes in and she's dressed elegantly.

"Mister Zayn," the woman greets. "Your table is ready."

WHAT!? Zayn nods and tugs on my arm so I'm moving. I glance around the restaurant taking in the candle lit lamps, the decorated walls filled with pictures, and the exotic aroma. This place must cost a fortune, so why was Zayn bringing me here? He slips inside the booth and he motions me to sit down across him. I chew on my lip, I could walk away right now and then break into a run.

"If you run, I'll just drag you back with your hair," Zayn spookily answers my thoughts and hands me a menu.

My eyes go wide and I automatically sit down on the booth and just stare at the menu.

"Why did you bring me here?" I question.

"You know, Syreena, I haven't seen you I n a while and this is how you greet me?" Zayn asks baffled.

"Me?" I say in outrage. "You're the one being possessive."

Zayn grins. "You wanted a control freak."

I glare at him while he looks through the menu all casual. Fuck you Malik. My inner me smirks; you had a lot of fun fucking him. I sit up straight and Zayn glances at me queerly. I look away, not caring but she was right, I had tons of fun fucking him. I bite the corner of my lip and glance out the window beside me. It was probably eight now and here I was sitting in a restaurant with my ex client, Zayn Malik whom I still kinda had a thing for. I stare at the wooden table when food is placed and I ease back due to the smoke. I look at it and then to Zayn. It smelled good.

"Eat up," Zayn tells me and hands me a fork.

"Why?" I question as I take the fork.

"Because you lost weight," Zayn replies and glares at me. "Now eat up."

I shift uneasily in my seat. I did lose weight, actually a lot and it was all because of Zayn. I glare at him and take the fork and dig into the sizzling steaming food. I don't bother blowing on the shrimp, so I just put it my mouth and give out a yelp. Zayn look sup alarmed and then smiles handing me a tissue. I glare at him and eat for a while and then I my stomach couldn't take it anymore. I put the fork down and Zayn looks up at me.

"Eat," he mutters.

"I'm not hungry," I whine.

"Well, I'm hungry," Zayn mutters darkly and his eyes go dark with a wicked glint.

I knew what he meant and I look down. I suddenly stand up and look at Zayn.

"Thank you very much for dinner," I mutter coldly and I walk out of the booth.

I could not take his shit, he was so weird. I was sure he was on something, his mood swings are so violent and not normal. I open the door to the restaurant and walk out, heading to my condo when someone grasps my hand and pushes me into an alley.

"Stop!" I yell and push against the person.

"Stop moving," Zayn hisses through his teeth.

I stop and a cry erupts through my mouth as he was digging his nails into my flesh.

"Stop being an ass," Zayn whispers.

"Me?" I gasp. "I'm the ass. What the fuck are you doing to me?!"

I stacth his fingers so he could move his hands away and clutch the hand he had just hurt.

Zayn leans in close his hands on the wall. I could feel his breath on my lips and it tickled. Zayn put his face up, brushing our noses together. I bit my lip, what was happening here?

"Let me go," I whisper my voice cracking.

"No," he says.

"Please?" I beg.

Zayn's hand goes up and brushes his index finger across the bottom of my lip. Crap. He leans in a bit close and he's kissing me hungrily and my hands go up to head, grabbing a fistful of his hair. I was kissing back and I liked. I haven't felt his lips on mine for so long. Zayn's hand was cupping the side of my face and he pressed it closer, making my face hurt. Zayn the suddenly pulls apart panting with his hands his knees. I was gasping for air and then stared at Zayn. Why did he do that? Zayn straightens up and comes closer to me. I try to sink back into the wall which I fail when Zayn tenderly kisses my hair.

"Syreena," he whispers.

I close my eyes I in pleasure, the way he said my name was so hot, loving, and sexual all at the same time.

"Why?" I pant.

Zayn tucks in my hair behind my ear and bends down to kiss the bottom of my ear. "Through this past month, you have no idea what I went through," Zayn mutters. "And I will make you feel the pain I felt."

I freeze, what the hell was he saying? Zayn looks up to my face. "Whatever you've done to me, I will exactly the same on you," Zayn says darkly.

Zayn rises up his finger and caress my cheek and walks away leaving me. What the hell? Only Zayn could make a threat sound hot and sexual.  I cannot believe what he said, did I hear right. The pain he went through? I hold back a sob and then sink to the alley floor. I knew I hurt Zayn, but not this much. He was going to torture me now and he was going to enjoy it. His sweet revenge. I gulp and open my mouth breathing for air. I felt so tiny. I slowly stand up and walk out of the alley and wipe the sweat out of my face. There was a cool breeze making me feel cold and I hugged myself. I knew what was going to come in my way, Zayn would make his revenge bitter sweet and it's not like I could run to the cops. He'd make sure I don't. I walk towards my condo, slowly sinking in Zayn's words and his kisses. He would torture me emotionally and he was going to love very second of it.

A/N; Sorry, if its short. Comment and Vote, love u all!(: Oh btw, I may end this book. ._.

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