M's Stripper [36]

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"Who is it?" I question to Syreena.

"I dunno," she shrugs and moves away from the stove. She turns around and points a finger at me. "Don't move."

I laugh and she walks towards her door. Yeah right, like I was going to stay. I follow Syreena and stay a bit back and watch Syreena open the door.

"Christian?!" Syreena exclaims.

I hear Syreena's voice so I stand behind her and see her wretched boss.

"Hey, Syreena I...." His voice drowns and he sees me.

I smile and put a hand on Syreena's shoulder, possessively. "Hello," I greet.

Christian seemed appalled and Syreena turned to face me. Her eyes said it all; she was going to throw a fit. Christian looks at both of us and then at my bare chest, he seemed to know what happened. But, it didn't. We didn't have sex last night. I smirk at Christian and his eyes seem to narrow at me. She was mine and I was stalking my claim.

"Why don't you come in?" Syreena speaks breaking the silence.

Now it was my turn to glare down at Syreena, what the fuck was she doing?

Christian smiles, "I would love too."

Syreena steps back and I move back along with her. Christian walks in but gives me a smile as he passes by me. I glare at his back and I'm suddenly pushed to the wall.

"Do not say shit," Syreena grits at me.

I look down at her and grin. "I like us like this."

Syreena looks into my eyes and she was pressed up against my chest. Her hands resting on the upper part of my chest. Syreena pulls herself off and glares at me. "Do not."

I nod and pretend to zip my mouth and throw away the key. Syreena doesn't smile and starts to walk off but I grab her hand and pull her to me.

"If he says or tries to make any moves on you, I will rip his face off," I whisper in her ear.

I feel Syreena shiver under me and I run my lips on her shoulders. I smirk against her skin and let her go. She turns around I flash her a smile. Syreena doesn't smile back but her eyes revealed it all. She liked it. Syreena walks forward and I walk behind her. I grab my shirt from the sofa and button it up. I walk into the kitchen and sit down on the stools next to her boss, Christian.

"Nice wine you sent," I acknowledge to Christian.

I glance up at Syreena's back which has stiffened. Did she really think I wouldn't say anything? She knew me better than that.

"Oh?" Christian says.

I smile down and glance up as Syreena was serving us food. I smirk up at her as a thank you. She doesn't return the glance back.

"I only had eggs," Syreena apologizes as she gives Christian breakfast.

"Don't worry," Christian says and their hands brush as Syreena hands him a plate.

I glare and then look away, I will control. Syreena moves away and sits across us with her own plate of food. We eat in silence and soon Christian breaks the silence.

"Thank you for the breakfast," Christian says. "The real reason I came here was to tell you that the office will be closed for a while, due to some new owner."

I start coughing and both of them look at me. Syreena passes me some water and I drink some, subsiding my cough.

"Oh who bought it?" Syreena asks.

Malik's Stripper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now