M's Stripper [34]

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Hands stuffed in my jeans pocket, I stared walking down the street with my head down. Even though it was dark and no one could see me I kept my head down due to the shame which was washing over me right now. What happened in the alley was running through my mind, I shouldn't have scared Syreena like that. I shouldn't have said anything, but when that guy in the bar.....he was standing too close to her. Way to close and it pissed me off. Something in my mind just snapped and I wanted to punch his face in, just like when Harry gets mad. His temper is very bad and his voice becomes very loud so the guy in the bar was lucky. I crank my head around so I'm looking over my shoulder and see no one. I turn back and walk towards Perrie's house and then abruptly stop. Fuck, I don't have my car keys. Shit, it was a long walk towards her house and I needed the walk so I start walking again thinking about the heated kiss between me and Syreena.


I close the door and stand in Perrie's hall room. I walk around and see the tv blaring some chick flick and turn it off.

"Perrie?" I call out.

No answer, strange. I walk out of the hall room and walk up the stairs and see Perrie's door cracked open. I walk towards it and open the door and step in. I through the hall in her room and gape when I see her bed. Her covers were covering her like a dress up to her chest and clothes were thrown everywhere. I walk closer and besides Perrie's sleeping figure is a dude. His hands were wrapped around her waist and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Sex, my mind tells me. Perrie, aka my girlfriend had a fuck feast with someone else. I glare at her sleeping figure and my hands reach towards her when I stop. I had sex with Syreena without Perrie knowing and she was playing the same game with me. I stand there looking at her, blonde hair spread out and she looked so peaceful, I didn't want to ruin it. I guess she needed sex and she found her pleasure from someone else. I turn around and walk out of room and her house. I slam the door on purpose and just stand there. I sit on the curb of the street and rub my face with my hands, what the hell was going on with my life? Everything was wrong, and now Syreena had to spice it up. I run my hands through my hair and stare at the streets; a smoke would do good now. I needed one too. I get my cigarette pack out and take a smoke out and light it up. I blow in once and slowly the smoke comes out of my nose and mouth. I take in a deep breath and start coughing; damn I have to lay of the cigarettes. I wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt and cross my legs. I was thankful it was dark and I needed to think...my revenge on Syreena. She deserved it, she had no idea what I went through, but then again, I made her go through worse. But then again, I wanted her still. And not in a sexual way this time, I still had feelings for her. Big time feelings, but I managed to control it with Perrie. But now Perrie and I were done, I mean she had sex with some other person like I had it with Syreena. I flick of the butt of the cigarette and get up from the curb, I had to get home. And, I had a signing tomorrow, and that gave me a great idea. I would bring Syreena to the signing, yup that sounded good. I really don't why I was acting like this but it felt good, getting all my anger and rage out. I just had to make sure I don't abuse her; I didn't want to end up like Chris Brown. I start walking home and then I find a empty beer bottle laying on the streets, a smirk runs across my lips. I bend down and pick up the beer bottle with my free hand. I weigh it in my hand and I stare ahead and see Perrie's house. A smile appears on my face and I throw my arm back and release the beer bottle and it hits Perrie's bedroom window. A light comes on and I run, feeling happy for a long time. I needed to do that, it felt really good. I keep running and somewhere in that process, my smoke falls, I didn't care.

After a while, I put my hands on my knees and try to get a lungful of air in my mouth. I straighten my back and I have no idea where I am. I see condos and I knew I was totally lost, fuck. I couldn't even see the name of the street and all the houses were dark. It was late and my curfew was one o' clock. I walk around a bit and walk into the lobby of the apartments. I sit on the steps and see the lists of the residences in this building and one particular one catches my eyes. Should I? I should. I get up from the stairs and walk inside the building and punch the elevator button. I wait and the elevator dings arriving its proposal. I step inside and press the 4th floor and wait. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I wanted too. I needed to get my fill. The elevator stops and I get out and hunt for the apartment. I find it, 404. I really shouldn't be doing this, but what the hell? I knock on the wooden door and there's no answer. Typical, everyone is sleeping. I knock a bit harder and I hear moving inside and the door opens revealing a messy headed Syreena.

"Hello," I say with a grin.

"Zayn?" Syreena says unsure and then her go big. "Zayn!"

Syreena closes the door but I hold it open with my hand. She was trying to push the door shut with her body and I holding on the knob trying to keep the door open.

"Go away!" Syreena screams.

I push with my shoulders and I finally succeed. Syreena starts to fall but regains balance. She wraps her robe tightly around her body and then glares at me.

"Get the fuck out of my house," Syreena points to the door.

"Or what?" I question.

"I'll call the cops."

I cross my arms and stare at Syreena. She was wearing a black bathrobe and her hair was a total mess. I liked her like this, a home was a place where any girl would be ugly and like it. Not that I'm implying she's ugly, Syreena is freaking gorgeous and she doesn't care.

"Really?" I ask.

"Get out," Syreena mutters.

"Please?" I beg. "I have no clue where I am."

"Go call Paul and tell him to take you home," Syreena says and then smiles. "Pretty boy afraid of the dark?"

I narrow my eyes at her and stride over to her couch and plop myself on it. "Maybe," I smirk.

Syreena shakes her head and I know she didn't want to fight.

"Just let me sleep," Syreena mutters.

I nod and she gives a wary glance and walks to her room, slamming the door shut. I stare at it for a while and then inspect her living room. It was average, but decked out nicely. Everything was white on black and a huge LCD was on the wall. I stifle a yawn and stretch my legs out in front of me, no fill for today. Plus I was way too tired to fight with Syreena. Instead I throw a couch pillow on the floor, take off my shirt and get down on the floor and lie there. I will make Syreena suffer, I think to myself and as I close my eyes, a thought scares me.

Wouldn't you be hurting yourself too?

A/N; I AM SO SORRY. I've been so busy with everything and I wont end this book, calm down. I'm sorry if this is short, my teachers are driving me nuts and I want to kill them. Thank you guys and I'll update soon, okay maybe the day after tomorrow. Ima make a sequel, you can dance now, and yeah. I love u all and do the usual, vote and comment!

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