M's Stripper [30]

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It's been exactly 1 month and 3 days that I haven't seen Syreena and exactly 1 month and 3 days that Perrie and I were dating; secretly. I decided to give it a try again since I wasn't seeing Syreena anymore. Though, my heart was still raw. I couldn't get her out of my mind and the lads worried about me now and then. There would be days when I would cry in the shower and then start smoking 5 cigarettes a day. Then another day, I'm fine. Laughing and loving Perrie near me, but I was confused. I was majorly confused, and Perrie would notice it. We were just fixing our barriers and being friends mostly then a couple because she was afraid and so was I. I didn't want to break her heart and my heart was already broken, and I'm amazed it was still beating.

"Zayn," Perrie hums and sits on my lap.

"Hey baby," I breathe into her ear and kiss her earlobe.

"Zayn, you know what I have in mind?"

Perrie turns around and she smirks with the same wicked glint in her eyes just like Syreena. I gulp, I knew what was going to happen and I wasn't ready. Perrie slams her lips onto mine making me move my lips against hers. No, not now. I wasn't ready for sex. The last time I had sex was with Syreena....in the paint, the best I've ever had.

"Perrie..." I mumble against her lips.

Her hands go around my neck and I start taking them off.

"What's wrong?" Perrie questions with hurt in her eyes.

"Perrie...I'm not ready," I mutter and kiss her forehead. "I'm sorry babe."

Perrie nods in understanding and interlocks our fingers together, oh how I wish it was Syreena. My eyes go wide at that thought and mentally hit myself. She wants nothing to do with me, so what there was no point of thinking about her.

"I get it," Perrie says and smiles getting off my lap. "Don't forget boo, we have a doctor's appointment today."

Oh fuck, the doctors. I forgot. Louis found it funny and smart so he hooked up my doctor appointment at the same day as Perrie. Not cool Louis. And I hated the doctors; a needle still makes me yelp. I put my head in my hands and curse Louis.

"Yo, Malik!"

I glance up and see Liam plowing himself on the couch and eating fruit salad. Oh Liam.

"Hey man," I greet and with my fingers I take an olive and pop it in my mouth.

"Dude, that's my food," Liam grumbles looking up at me.

I nod and get the seed out of mouth and put it in my hand. "Sharing is caring Liam."

I walk into the kitchen and drop the olive seed into the garbage and wash my hands.

"We gotta go love!"

It was Perrie and it was time to go to the doctors. Shit. I was sure; the doctor was going to lecture me about smoking and my lungs, which kind of scared me sometimes. I was trying to quit smoking, but I couldn't. It was my addiction, just like how Syreena was. I shake my head and walk over to Perrie to go to the doctors.

"Alright, Mr. Malik, you're good just control the smoking my boy."

I nod and smile and off those hospital beds happy that my appointment was done.

"Thanks doc," I say and shake hands with him.

The doctor nods and I walk out the door, and bump into a nurse.

"Oh...I'm sorry," I mutter and pick up the files.

One file catches my attention, it said Syreena Wate. What? I glance up the nurse and she takes the file from me and walks off. Did that mean she was here, at the doctors? My heart leapt, I was going to see Syreena but my mind was telling me that it was just coincidence. And I think my head was right, she must've been gone and if Perrie saw Syreena, well some shit would go down. I hope Syreena was okay. Even though I should hate her, I just couldn't. I hope Syreena left the strip world and was studying, she was a bright person. I walk over to the reception and check out the flyers in a basket when the same nurse I bumped into started talking on the phone.

"Yes.. I understand. How about 3? No... okay then. Take care Syreena."

My heads snaps up as the nurse puts the phone down. Syreena? That was Syreena on the phone? It might've been a different person, I mean there are tons of 'Syreena's' in the world but I saw Syreena's file and it said 'Wate', her last name. Meaning she was going to come here. Oh shit, I was feeling something. I don't know happiness?  I was going to see her but then again, I might not. I came with Perrie, I couldn't wait for her. Also, Syreena changed her cell phone number leaving me helpless. I chew on my lips thinking of a plan when someone places a hand on my shoulders. I jump back and turn to see Perrie.

"You okay?" Perrie questions uncertainly.

"Fine," I say trying to sound normal and not excited.

Perrie smiles and we walk out of the doctors and bidding goodbye to the reception lady. Also, she gave me a blueberry lolly, my favorite. I get into the car while Perrie climbs in the other side.

"Just drop home," Perrie says. "I don't want to go and look at cars."

I smile. Oh right, I was going to buy myself another car and I was kind of Perrie wasn't coming. And she would whine. Perrie was the same annoying person but I held on to her because I needed her. She was kind of like a raft to me, keeping my head above the water of my grief. I start the car and drive towards Perrie's place dropping her off. I stop the car in front of her house and lean in to kiss her lips.

"Bye babe," I say and she smiles getting off the car.

She waves and I smile driving off. Finally, I could go look at cars. I drive through the 1-5 interstate and catch the glimpse off the car store. I grin and speed a bit, excitement bubbling through my veins. I park my Bentley and get out smiling. I stuff my keys in my pockets and open the door to the store. Air conditioned air welcomes me and I'm surrounded by shiny cars. I wanted to buy them all and I can but I couldn't drive them all. I start walking, liking every car I see.


I look and a man about thirty greets me.

"New car?" he questions.

I nod smiling. "An Audi to be exact."

The man nods and I glance at his name tag, 'Rick.'

"Well," Rick beams. "You came to the right place."

I beam and we start looking at the cars and Rick's telling me the safety feature of each cars. As a car caught my eye, I saw black brown hair. The woman turns and I choke. Holy fuck! It was Syreena and she was laughing. She tucks a hair behind her ear and the woman next to her was an employee, I could tell by her uniform. Syreena turns her head and she sees me. Our eyes lock and Syreena's looks shocked. I was shocked and I just couldn't believe it. Four feet away from me was Syreena.

A/N; AHHH!! They saw each other and................ No it wont lead to sex. (; Just keep reading and I hope you guys like it. I cant believe you guys like this book so much, I had a dream that on Wattpad, everyone started to unfan me and I deleted my account ;o Weird and I don't want it don't happen I enjoy writing. Anyway, this book is going to get good and thank you. DO the usual shit I tell you to do, comment and vote xD

PS: Sorry if it's short D; I'm really busy with my studies and I want to murder myself. So much work. I hate you teachers D;

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