M's Stripper [4]

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It was 2 in the morning and I was sitting down on the sofa, drinking some beer. Harry was busy snoring in one of my guest rooms. He came back to my place pretty wasted and didn't want to go back to his place which he shared with Louis. Louis would ask questions which would then lead to answers involving me and my stripper. Harry came busting through my door and swearing how he would kill Louis. Being Harry's best friend, I asked him why he was so cranky and guess what I got for an answer.

"I was trying to make love with your stripper."

Harry grins at me and drunk walks into the guest room before passing out.

So, what kind of reaction am I supposed to have to that? Happy? Pissed? Angry? I really didn't have a clue. But I was happy that Harry didn't succeed in his attempt because Syreena was my stripper and still is. I stared off in space, probably zoning out and thought about Syreena. God, Syreena was beautiful. When she first stripped for me, automatically I felt turned on. The girl seduces you with her eyes and body before even laying a finger on you. Now, that was talent. But beneath all that glitter and sex, Syreena was actually a pretty cool girl. Sometimes when we were done love making, we would just chat about whatever and I would learn some fascinating stuff about her. Like, she has dreams of going to college and getting her Ph.D. which amazed me. Sometimes, when I was alone like right now, I would be disgusted at Syreena's choice of job because that girl had so much going on for her. Her job mainly was to arouse men and get them excited, that was all. But I was the exception to her little rule. I grin and take a sip of my beer and my eyes flicker to my iPhone. I take it and unlock it and my fingers soon scroll my contact list. I stop at the S and click on Syreena. I put my empty beer bottle aside and shove my phone to my ear. Her phone rings and after the 3rd ring, she picks up.

"Hello?" I hear Syreena's groggy voice.

"I want you to come over," I smile over the phone.

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now," I say over the phone.

I hear a click on the other side of the line and I toss my phone aside. I was crazy to call her over now but she was my stripper. I hired her to come whenever I called. It was all part of the deal and I paid her, didn't I? I was glad Harry was snoring on the side of the room so my private session with Syreena won't be interrupted. But I was also taking a huge risk calling Syreena over since Harry was present in my flat. Even though I trusted the curly haired boy I still had this unpleasant feeling inside me. I glance at the watch placed on my wrist.


Syreena would be here in any moment. I smile to myself knowing I have a wild time set up for me right now. After waiting a couple of minutes, I hear a soft knock on the door. I practically jump from the sofa and head over to the big steel door. I fix my hair on the way and I take in a deep breath and open the door.


"Zayn," I greet and he grins at me moving aside.

I step into the corridor of his flat and walk towards Zayn's bedroom. But I stop midway and I hear a snore coming from one of the many bedrooms in Zayn's flat.

"Harry's come over," I hear Zayn tell me from behind.

Harry was here. I didn't like that because Harry would get in the way of my client Zayn. I stare at the room and give myself an internal shake. I walk over to Zayn's bedroom and hear his footsteps behind me. I wasn't going to lie but I had been inside Zayn's bedroom way to many times. Yes, I usually entertain him in his room where his sipping on alcohol and watching me with lustful eyes. I drop my bag on the floor and watch Zayn get into bed. I was really tired today and I woke up from my blissful sleep and came here. But the money Zayn was paying me was worth it. Like I said, I love my money. There was a pole situated in his room but it wasn't a strip pole. It was more of the fire fighter pole where it slid from the third floor to Zayn's bedroom. I walk over to that and hook my right leg around the pole, lift myself up, and do a spin. I give Zayn a naughty look and walk over to his bed. I stop in front of the bed and get down on all fours and crawl my way to Zayn. Zayn smirks and comes closer to until we were mere inches apart. We were so close that I was able to lick his upper lip my tongue. I stare into his nut brown eyes and all of a sudden I feel a pain of hurt deep inside my chest. I blink my eyes to forget about the pain and close the distance between us with our lips. I push Zayn down so I was the one on top of him. One thing about me was I liked to keep control. I pull apart and start tugging on Zayn's white Bob Marley shirt. Zayn puts his hands up and I slide it off easily. I stare at Zayn's well built chest and let my fingers trace his nipples and I hear a moan escape his mouth. Grinning, I bend down and lick Zayn's abs liking them very much and run kisses down his stomach. Zayn gets up halfway and flips me over so I was the one on the bottom and him on top. His hands go to my chest and he gropes my breasts and I arch my back, liking the touch very much. Zayn stares at me and bends down to lick my neck and then sucks on it. I was going to have some spots on my neck that was going to be visible in the morning. His hands pry down to my jeans and he starts opening them. He slides off my pants and his hands run up and down my thighs. He kisses my neck knowing that my neck and ass was my turn on spot. I knew his which was his knee. Funny isn't it, Zayn got turned on if anyone touched his knee or slightly ran their hands on it. Only an experienced stripper could say that. I moan in pleasure as Zayn hands go deeper into my inner thighs. He moves back and kisses me hard. It was a kiss filled with lust and passion. Love was never involved and I didn't mind. I wrap my legs around his torso so he could be closer to me and I could feel every skin of his on mine. He tugs on my bottom lip and I open mine and our tongues fuse together. I raise my upper body a bit and I somehow manage to take my top off. I throw it aside and my hands go for his pants and suddenly Zayn stops kissing me. His tongue frozen in my mouth. He pulls apart and stares in my eyes.

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