M's Stripper [27]

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"Guys, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Zayn answers to a surprised Eleanor. "We were just having a little paint war and anyway, we finished."

"Almost," I correct him and I point to a little corner of the wall. "That's left."

"Its okay, Louis and I'll finish it," Eleanor says and throws a smile at us. "You guys, thank you so much."

Eleanor comes near us and pulls me in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you," she squeals.

I hug her back. "No problem."

We pull apart and my paint covered body now left a spot on Eleanor. She didn't seem to mind and walked over to Zayn and hugged him. I watched as a smile came to Zayn's face as Eleanor hugged him. Zayn hugged her back and he threw a grin at my direction which made me feel weird. My body was still tingling from the hardcore sex Zayn and I had just a few minutes ago. We could've gone longer but we heard the front door open so Zayn and I quickly put our clothes on and held paintbrushes to look like we were painting, and not painting each other. Eleanor pulls back and Zayn starts or at least tries to wipe off the blue paint I smeared on his chest and stomach.

"That is going to take forever to take off," Eleanor comments as she glanced at Zayn's lame attempts.

"I know," Zayn cries and looks at me. "But I don't mind."

I knew that look and I looked away, a warm feeling stinging on my cheeks. I was blushing, why was I blushing? I had sex with Zayn, no big deal, I've had sex with him a lot of times but this time the sex was different. Scratch that, it was amazing and I felt pleasure everywhere. I shake off the paint sex images and place my paintbrush on the floor. I was hungry, confused, and most of all tired. Very tired, every muscle on my body ached and demanded massaging. Maybe, I could let Zayn massage my muscles? No, it would lead to another session of sex and I was not up for that right now. I utter a yawn without knowing and shut my mouth shut quickly.

"Sorry," I mummer.

"I just noticed," Eleanor says and turns to me. "You apologize a lot."

Zayn nods and I blush again. "Sorry."

"There she goes again," Eleanor jokes.

She comes to me and laughs. "I hope you don't mind. I was just joking."

I look up to Eleanor and smile. "I know and it's alright."

"Aw," Eleanor gushes and pulls me in for another hug. "I consider you as my little sister, you know?"

That caught me off guard, I wasn't used to being hugged like this or being considered as someone's little sister. My parents were dead so I was alone. I didn't have many friends or family members and I didn't have time to socialize. Eleanor pulls back and grins from ear to ear.

"Okay, I think you guys should go. You two need a long shower," Eleanor says and walks away from me to Zayn. She whispered something into Zayn's ear and he seemed to nod his head. I was past the point of caring what she said and I really didn't want to know. I take a look of my arm and groan, the paint seemed to have dried up and it was going to take hours of scrubbing and washing and I was not up for it. But I had to do it, plus I had to go to the club because I hadn't gone for days. My boss already chewed me out on the phone and I was supposed to go yesterday, but I threw up and surprisingly Zayn comforted me the whole night. Then this morning, I had a huge laughing fit over Zayn's corny nightmare, came to paint, and had extraordinary sex in the paint. So, right now all I wanted to do was sleep and maybe take a pain killer to ease off the pain. Zayn walks over to me and smiles. I don't smile back but I took a look of his face and he seemed exhausted too. Who wouldn't, Syreena? My thoughts questioned me. I purse my lips from smiling at that so I start walking out of the room. I heard footsteps echo behind me and I was sure it was Zayn.

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